@article{fdi:010068872, title = {{T}echnical mitigation measures for sharks and rays in fisheries for tuna and tuna-like species : turning possibility into reality [+ {C}orrection 2019, vol. 32, art. no 24, 1 p.]}, author = {{P}oisson, {F}. and {C}respo, {F}. {A}. and {E}llis, {J}. {R}. and {C}havance, {P}ierre and {P}ascal, {B}. and {S}antos, {M}. {N}. and {S}{\'e}ret, {B}ernard and {K}orta, {M}. and {C}oelho, {R}. and {A}riz, {J}. and {M}urua, {H}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}una fisheries have been identified as one of the major threats to populations of other marine vertebrates, including sea turtles, sharks, seabirds and marine mammals. {T}he development of technical mitigation measures ({MM}) in fisheries is part of the code of conduct for responsible fisheries. {A}n in-depth analysis of the available literature regarding bycatch mitigation in tuna fisheries with special reference to elasmobranchs was undertaken. {S}tudies highlighting promising {MM}s were reviewed for four tuna fisheries (longline, purse seine, driftnets and gillnet, and rod and line - including recreational fisheries). {T}he advantages and disadvantages of different {MM}s are discussed and assessed based on current scientific knowledge. {C}urrent management measures for sharks and rays in tuna {R}egional {F}ishery {M}anagement {O}rganizations (t-{RFMO}s) are presented. {A} review of relevant studies examining at-vessel and postrelease mortality of elasmobranch bycatch is provided. {T}his review aims to help fisheries managers identify pragmatic solutions to reduce mortality on pelagic elasmobranchs (and other higher vertebrates) whilst minimizing impacts on catches of target tuna species. {R}ecent research efforts have identified several effective {MM}s that, if endorsed by t-{RFMO}s, could reduce elasmobranchs mortality rate in international tropical purse seine tuna fisheries. {I}n the case of longline fisheries, the number of operational effective {MM}s is very limited. {F}isheries deploying driftnets in pelagic ecosystems are suspected to have a high elasmobranchs bycatch and their discard survival is uncertain, but no effective {MM}s have been field validated for these fisheries. {T}he precautionary bans of such gear by the {EU} and by some t-{RFMO}s seem therefore appropriate. {R}ecreational tuna fisheries should be accompanied by science-based support to reduce potential negative impacts on shark populations. {P}riorities for research and management are identified and discussed.}, keywords = {{M}itigation ; elasmobranch ; bycatch ; pelagic ; mortality ; tuna regional ; fishery management organizations}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}quatic {L}iving {R}esources}, volume = {29}, numero = {4}, pages = {art. 402 [45 + {C}orrection 2019, vol. 32, art. no 24, 1 p.]}, ISSN = {0990-7440}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1051/alr/2016030}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068872}, }