@article{fdi:010068852, title = {{D}ifferential effects of azithromycin, doxycycline, and cotrimoxazole in ingested blood on the vectorial capacity of malaria mosquitoes}, author = {{G}endrin, {M}. and {Y}erbanga, {R}. {S}. and {O}u{\'e}draogo, {J}. {B}. and {L}ef{\`e}vre, {T}hierry and {C}ohuet, {A}nna and {C}hristophides, {G}. {K}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}ackground. {T}he gut microbiota of malaria vector mosquitoes grows after a blood meal and limits {P}lasmodium infection. {W}e previously showed that penicillin and streptomycin in the ingested blood affect bacterial growth and positively impact mosquito survival and permissiveness to {P}lasmodium. {I}n this study, we examine the effects of doxycycline, azithromycin, and co-trimoxazole. {A}ll 3 antibiotics are used in mass drug administration programs and have antimicrobial activities against bacteria and various stages of malaria parasites. {M}ethods. {T}he effects of blood meal supplementation with antibiotics on the mosquito microbiota, lifespan, and permissiveness to {P}lasmodium falciparum were assessed. {R}esults. {I}ngestion of any of the 3 antibiotics significantly affected the mosquito microbiota. {A}zithromycin decreased {P} falciparum infection load and mosquito lifespan, whereas at high concentrations, doxycycline increased {P} falciparum infection load. {C}o-trimoxazole negatively impacted infection intensity but had no reproducible effect on mosquito lifespan. {C}onclusions. {O}ur data suggest that the overall effect of antibiotic treatment on parameters critical for mosquito vectorial capacity is drug specific. {T}he negative effect of azithromycin on malaria transmission is consistent with current efforts for disease elimination, whereas additional, larger scale investigations are required before conclusions can be drawn about doxycycline.}, keywords = {{A}nopheles ; antibiotics ; azithromycin ; microbiota ; {P}lasmodium falciparum ; {CAMEROUN} ; {AFRIQUE} {SUBSAHARIENNE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}pen {F}orum {I}nfectious {D}iseases}, volume = {3}, numero = {2}, pages = {[8 ]}, ISSN = {2328-8957}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1093/ofid/ofw074}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068852}, }