@article{fdi:010068844, title = {{I}mpact de la diaspora dans la biotechnologie argentine = {I}mpacts of scientific and technical diaspora in the argentine's biotechnology sector}, author = {{S}oledad {C}ordoba, {M}. and {H}ernandez, {V}aleria}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{T}his article presents the impact of scientific and technical diaspora in the development process of the argentine's biotechnology sector. {T}his sector shows a growing economical dynamism, with significant growth prospects, a network of actors, both public and private, that interact synergistically, and publics policies that support its development with grants and several types of specific actions. {M}arket analysts predict significant growth prospects for this sector if it follow counting with qualified human resources and public policies that encourage it. {B}ased on research conducted between {O}ctober 2009 and {A}pril 2011 in the field of {A}rgentine molecular biology and biotechnology laboratories, we have identified the central features that characterize and investigate the role the scientific and technical diaspora has in this dynamic growth. {I}n this paper we analyze some emblematic cases to show the intricate relationship the scientific diaspora has with the public and private field of biotechnology in {A}rgentina.}, keywords = {migration ; scientists ; biotechnology ; scientific and technical diaspora ; {ARGENTINE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}evue d'{A}nthropologie des {C}onnaissances}, volume = {9}, numero = {4}, pages = {449--466}, ISSN = {1760-5393}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.3917/rac.029.0449}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068844}, }