@article{fdi:010068828, title = {{D}esulfotomaculum aquiferis sp. nov. and {D}esulfotomaculum profundi sp. nov., isolated from a deep natural gas storage aquifer}, author = {{B}erlendis, {S}. and {R}anchou-{P}eyruse, {M}. and {F}ardeau, {M}arie-{L}aure and {L}ascourreges, {J}. {F}. and {J}oseph, {M}anon and {O}llivier, {B}ernard and {A}ullo, {T}. and {D}equidt, {D}. and {M}agot, {M}. and {R}anchou-{P}eyruse, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}wo novel strictly anaerobic bacteria, strains {B}s105({T}) and {B}s107({T}), were isolated from a deep aquifer-derived hydrocarbonoclastic community. {T}he cells were rod-shaped, not motile and had terminal spores. {P}hylogenetic affiliation and physiological properties revealed that these isolates belong to two novel species of the genus {D}esulfotomaculum. {O}ptimal growth temperatures for strains {B}s105({T}) and {B}s107({T}) were 42 and 45 degrees {C}, respectively. {T}he estimated {G}+{C} content of the genomic {DNA} was 42.9 and 48.7 mol%. {F}or both strains, the major cellular fatty acid was palmitate ({C}-16 : 0). {S}pecific carbon fatty acid signatures of {G}ram-positive bacteria (iso-{C}-17 : 0) and sulfate-reducing bacteria ({C}(17 : 0)cyc) were also detected. {A}n insertion was revealed in one of the two 16{S} r{RNA} gene copies harboured by strain {B}s107({T}). {S}imilar insertions have previously been highlighted among moderately thermophilic species of the genus {D}esulfotomaculum. {B}oth strains shared the ability to oxidize aromatic acids ({B}s105({T}) : hydroquinone, acetophenone, paratoluic acid, 2-phenylethanol, trans-cinnamic acid, 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, benzyl alcohol, benzoic acid 4-hydroxybutyl ester; {B}s107({T}) : ortho-toluic acid, benzoic acid 4-hydroxybutyl ester). {T}he names {D}esulfotomaculum aquiferis sp. nov. and {D}esulfotomaculum profundi sp. nov. are proposed for the type strains {B}s105({T}) (= {DSM} 24088({T}) = {JCM} 31386({T})) and {B}s107({T}) (= {DSM} 24093({T}) = {JCM} 31387({T})).}, keywords = {{FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {S}ystematic and {E}volutionary {M}icrobiology}, volume = {66}, numero = {11}, pages = {4329--4338}, ISSN = {1466-5026}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1099/ijsem.0.001352}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068828}, }