@article{fdi:010068782, title = {{E}lectric potential anomaly induced by humid air convection within {P}iton de {L}a {F}ournaise volcano, {L}a {R}eunion {I}sland}, author = {{A}ntoine, {R}. and {F}inizola, {A}. and {L}opez, {T}. and {B}aratoux, {D}avid and {R}abinowicz, {M}. and {D}elcher, {E}. and {F}ontaine, {F}. {R}. and {F}ontaine, {F}. {J}. and {S}aracco, {G}. and {B}achelery, {P}. and {S}taudacher, {T}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}elf potential ({SP}) anomalies over {P}iton de {L}a {F}ournaise volcano ({L}a {R}eunion {I}sland) are generally interpreted as resulting from meteoritic water porous flow. {H}owever, there is no clear evidence that the subsurface is permanently saturated. {R}ecently, a convective subsurface airflow has been evidenced within a quiescent cone at {P}iton de {L}a {F}ournaise ({F}ormica {L}eo). {SP} and thermal anomalies are reported on the unsaturated edifice and are seen to be correlated. {I}t is proposed that the {SP} signal is generated by the movement of water films present on the porous matrix, induced by the intense humid airflow within {F}ormica {L}eo. {T}he structure of the cone, determined from electrical resistivity tomography ({ERT}), ground penetrating radar ({GPR}), microgravimetric and kinematic {GPS} data, is used to constrain a 3{D} numerical model of the air convection. {T}he calculated temperature is then used to derive the related {SP} signal, the electrokinetic coupling coefficient being estimated from direct observations of the electrical resistivity of the soil. {E}xtrapolating these results to the scale of the volcano, it is thus proposed that a cold humid airflow enters the flanks of the 400 m-high terminal dome, flows up along the sloped and stratified volcanic layers before exiting through the vertical fractures around the {D}olomieu collapse. {I}t is demonstrated that the {SP} anomalies catches the main features recovered over the entire volcano. {T}his result strongly suggests that humid airflow may play a major role on the generation of {SP} anomalies at {P}iton de la {F}ournaise volcano, and perhaps in other unsaturated volcanic edifices.}, keywords = {{S}elf potentials ; {U}nsaturated soil ; {C}onvection ; {T}hermal infrared ; {P}iton de {L}a {F}ournaise ; {S}ubsurface airflow ; {REUNION}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}eothermics}, volume = {65}, numero = {}, pages = {81--98}, ISSN = {0375-6505}, year = {2017}, DOI = {10.1016/j.geothermics.2016.01.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068782}, }