@article{fdi:010068758, title = {{R}isk of {Z}ika virus transmission in the {E}uro-{M}editerranean area and the added value of building preparedness to arboviral threats from a {O}ne {H}ealth perspective}, author = {{E}scadafal, {C}. and {G}aayeb, {L}. and {R}iccardo, {F}. and {P}erez-{R}amirez, {E}. and {P}icard, {M}arie and {D}ente, {M}. {G}. and {F}ernandez-{P}inero, {J}. and {M}anuguerra, {J}. {C}. and {J}imenez-{C}lavero, {M}. {A}. and {D}eclich, {S}. and {V}ictoir, {K}. and {R}obert, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the alarming context of risk of {Z}ika virus ({ZIKV}) transmission in the {E}uro-{M}editerranean area, there is a need to examine whether capacities to detect, diagnose and notify {ZIKV} infections in the region are in place and whether ongoing capacity-building initiatives are filling existing gaps. {T}he {M}edi{L}ab{S}ecure network, created in 2014, comprises 55 laboratories of virology and medical entomology and 19 public health institutions in 19 countries in the {B}alkans, {N}orth-{A}frica, the {M}iddle-{E}ast and the {B}lack {S}ea regions. {I}t aims to set up awareness, risk assessment, monitoring and control of emerging and re-emerging vector-borne viruses. {W}e here examine the actions and strategies that {M}edi{L}ab{S}ecure has been implementing and how they will contribute to the prevention and control of the {ZIKV} threat in the {E}uro-{M}editerranean area. {C}apacity-building for arbovirus diagnostics is a major objective of the project and follows a methodological rather than disease-driven approach. {T}his enables the implementation of laboratory trainings on techniques that are common to several arboviruses, including {ZIKV}, and putting into action appropriate diagnostic tools in the target region. {M}oreover, by its {O}ne {H}ealth approach and the interaction of its four sub-networks in human virology, animal virology, medical entomology and public health, {M}edi{L}ab{S}ecure is fostering intersectoral collaboration, expertise and sharing of information. {T}he resulting exchanges (methodological, communication and operational) across disciplines and across countries, dedicated research on intersectoral collaboration and increasing diagnostic capacities are providing new paths and tools to public health professionals to face emerging viral threats such as a {ZIKV} epidemic in the {E}uro-{M}editerranean region.}, keywords = {{M}edi{L}ab{S}ecure ; {L}aboratory network ; {E}uro-{M}editerranean area ; {O}ne {H}ealth ; {A}rboviruses ; {Z}ika virus ; {A}edes mosquito ; {P}reparedness ; {C}apacity-building ; {R}isk assessment ; {EUROPE} ; {ZONE} {MEDITERRANEENNE} ; {AFRIQUE} {DU} {NORD} ; {MOYEN} {ORIENT} ; {MER} {NOIRE} ; {BALKANS}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{BMC} {P}ublic {H}ealth}, volume = {16}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 1219 [5 p.]}, ISSN = {1471-2458}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1186/s12889-016-3831-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068758}, }