@article{fdi:010068755, title = {{S}patial and temporal spread of maize stem borer {B}usseola fusca ({F}uller) ({L}epidoptera : {N}octuidae) damage in smallholder farms}, author = {{N}djomatchoua, {F}. {T}. and {T}onnang, {H}. {E}. {Z}. and {P}lantamp, {C}. and {C}ampagne, {P}. and {T}chawoua, {C}. and {L}e {R}ΓΌ, {B}runo}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he main purpose of this study was to understand the spatio-temporal spread of the maize stem borer {B}usseola fusca ({F}uller) ({L}epidoptera: {N}octuidae) in smallholder maize farms. {T}he analysis carried out allowed the establishment of complementary sampling scheme and analysis that can be applied to investigate the propagation of stem borer damages and extended to other insect pests. {T}his approach requires consideration of all plants point locations, the knowledge on the level of damage and its characterization. {R}esults showed that there was a two-week interval between occurrence of the peaks of leaf damage and male adult moth abundance. {T}he prior role of leaf damages in the farm infestation by {B}. fusca is revealed, and an estimate of the mean transition time between different damage types is provided. {F}urthermore, damaged plants exhibited a local spatial autocorrelation within a range of dependence of 0-10 meters; and the spatio-temporal pattern of {B}. fusca damage spread evolves as a spiral around an initial patch of damaged plants. {B}y assuming a neighbor configuration of distribution of damaged plants nearby non-damaged, we showed that the inner plants are likely to become damaged within a time period of a week; thus, {B}. fusca infests farms in a systematic fashion. {O}verall, these results have useful implications for improving and optimizing existing field sampling methods for insect pest damages. {T}he approaches used in carrying out the analysis further provided a deep understanding helpful to improve integrated pest management ({IPM}) strategies against stem borers, and offer {IPM} practitioners' the opportunity to design, develop, and implement optimum control methods against {B}. fusca, an important pest of maize in {A}frica.}, keywords = {{B}usseola fusca ; {S}mallholder maize farms ; {D}amage spread ; {T}emporal pattern ; {S}patial pattern ; {KENYA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}griculture {E}cosystems and {E}nvironment}, volume = {235}, numero = {}, pages = {105--118}, ISSN = {0167-8809}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.agee.2016.10.013}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068755}, }