@article{fdi:010068718, title = {{I}mpact of exposure to mosquito transmission-blocking antibodies on {P}lasmodium falciparum population genetic structure}, author = {{S}andeu, {M}. {M}. and {A}bate, {L}uc and {T}chioffo, {M}. {T}. and {B}ayibeki, {A}. {N}. and {A}wono-{A}mb{\'e}n{\'e}, {P}. {H}. and {N}sango, {S}. {E}. and {C}hesnais, {C}. {B}. and {D}inglasan, {R}. {R}. and {D}e {M}eeûs, {T}hierry and {M}orlais, {I}sabelle}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}rogress in malaria control has led to a significant reduction of the malaria burden. {I}nterventions that interrupt transmission are now needed to achieve the elimination goal. {T}ransmission-blocking vaccines ({TBV}) that aim to prevent mosquito infections represent promising tools and several vaccine candidates targeting different stages of the parasite's lifecycle are currently under development. {A} mosquito-midgut antigen, the anopheline alanyl aminopeptidase ({A}n{APN}1) is one of the lead {TBV} candidates; antibodies against {A}n{APN}1 prevent ookinete invasion. {I}n this study, we explored the transmission dynamics of {P}lasmodium falciparum in mosquitoes fed with anti-{A}n{APN}1 monoclonal antibodies(m{A}bs) vs. untreated controls, and investigated whether the parasite genetic content affects or is affected by antibody treatment. {E}xposure to anti-{A}n{APN}1 m{A}bs was efficient at blocking parasite transmission and the effect was dose-dependent. {G}enetic analysis revealed a significant sib-mating within {P}. falciparum infra-populations infecting one host, as measured by the strong correlation between {W}right's {F}-{IS} and multiplicity of infection. {T}reatments also resulted in significant decrease in {F}-{IS} as a by-product of drop in infra-population genetic diversity and concomitant increase of apparent panmictic genotyping proportions. {G}enetic differentiation analyses indicated that mosquitoes fed on a same donor randomly sampled blood-circulating gametocytes. {W}e did not detect trace of selection, as the genetic differentiation between different donors did not decrease with increasing m{A}b concentration and was not significant between treatments for each gametocyte donor. {T}hus, there is apparently no specific genotype associated with the loss of diversity under m{A}b treatment. {F}inally, the anti-{A}n{APN}1 m{A}bs were effective at reducing mosquito infection and a vaccine aiming at eliciting anti-{A}n{APN}1 m{A}bs has a strong potential to decrease the burden of malaria in transmission- blocking interventions without any apparent selective pressure on the parasite population.}, keywords = {{P}lasmodium falciparum ; {A}nopheles coluzzii ; {A}nti-{A}n{APN}1 antibodies ; {G}enetic structure ; {M}ultiplicity of infection ; {S}ib-mating}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nfection {G}enetics and {E}volution}, volume = {45}, numero = {}, pages = {138--144}, ISSN = {1567-1348}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.meegid.2016.08.025}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068718}, }