@article{fdi:010068704, title = {{W}ill the proposed forest policy and regulatory reforms boost the {NTFP} sector in {C}ameroon ?}, author = {{A}wono, {A}. and {T}chindjang, {M}. and {L}evang, {P}atrice}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he national policy framework for forest and forest resources management in {C}ameroon has often been blamed for hindering the development of the non-timber forest products ({NTFP}) sector. {V}arious actors, both international and national, have gathered to propose major changes to the forestry law in order to support {NTFP} development. {T}his paper addresses the following questions: (1) {W}hat are the provisions of the current forestry policy for {NTFP}s? (2) {W}hat are the major changes proposed for {NTFP}s and the reality on the ground? (3) {H}ow do forest users view the legal forestry framework? (4) {A}ren't there better ways to improve {NTFP} management in {C}ameroon? {I}nformal and formal interviews held with producers, traders, forest administrative agents and civil society actors show that the government tends to address the local communities' participation concerns through decentralisation in the forestry sector but without guaranteeing an efficient implementation. {T}his situation appears to be a structural factor affecting other sectors of activity in the country, and resulting in little hope that the long awaited reforms in the forestry sector will have a determining impact, unless critical actions are taken against corruption and nepotism. {T}he development of a well-structured civil society and the recourse to new technologies appear to be the best way to improve {NTFP} governance and efficiency in {C}ameroon.}, keywords = {{NTFP}s ; producers ; civil society ; national economy ; policy reforms ; governance ; efficiency ; {CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {F}orestry {R}eview}, volume = {18}, numero = {{S}uppl. 1}, pages = {78--92}, ISSN = {1465-5489}, year = {2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068704}, }