@article{fdi:010068691, title = {{P}eriodically harvested closures require full protection of vulnerable species and longer closure periods}, author = {{G}oetze, {J}. and {L}anglois, {T}. and {C}laudet, {J}. and {J}anuchowski-{H}artley, {F}raser and {J}upiter, {S}. {D}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}eriodically harvested closures ({PHC}s) are small fisheries closures with objectives such as sustaining fisheries and conserving biodiversity and have become one of the most common forms of nearshore marine management in the {W}estern {P}acific. {A}lthough {PHC}s can provide both short-term conservation and fisheries benefits, their potential as a long-term management strategy remains unclear. {T}hrough empirical assessment of a single harvest event in each of five {PHC}s, we determined whether targeted fishes that differ in their vulnerability to fishing recovered to pre-harvest conditions (the state prior to last harvest) and demonstrated post-harvest recovery benefits after 1 year of re-closure. {F}or low and moderately vulnerable species, two {PHC}s provided significant pre-harvest benefits and one provided significant post-harvest recovery benefits, suggesting a contribution to longer-term sustainability. {PHC}s with a combination of high compliance and longer closing times are more likely to provide fisheries benefits and recover from harvest events, however, no benefits were observed across any {PHC}s for highly vulnerable species. {W}e recommend {PHC}s have longer closure periods before being harvested and species that are highly vulnerable to fishing (e.g. large species of; grouper, wrasse and parrotfish) are avoided during harvests to avoid overexploitation and increase the sustainability of small-scale fisheries.}, keywords = {{M}arine conservation ; {F}isheries management ; {L}ocally managed marine areas ; {V}ulnerability ; {R}ecovery ; {F}iji ; {FIJI}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{B}iological {C}onservation}, volume = {203}, numero = {}, pages = {67--74}, ISSN = {0006-3207}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.biocon.2016.08.038}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068691}, }