@article{fdi:010068685, title = {{S}cattering of individual particles from cytometry : tests on phytoplankton cultures}, author = {{M}outier, {W}. and {D}uforet-{G}aurier, {L}. and {T}hyssen, {M}. and {L}oisel, {H}ubert and {M}eriaux, {X}. and {C}ourcot, {L}. and {D}essailly, {D}. and {A}lvain, {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his study presents an application of the {C}ytosense flow cytometer ({C}yto{B}uoy b.v., {NL}) for the analysis of the optical properties of phytoplankton cells. {F}or the first time, the forward, sideward and backward cross sections (sigma({FSC}), sigma({SSC}) and sigma(bb)) were derived for two species morphologically different ({C}hlamydomonas concordia and {T}halassiosira pseudonana). {T}he objective of this work is to check the validity of the estimates before any applications in the frame of marine optics studies. {T}hus, estimates of sigma({FSC}) and sigma({SSC}) are tested with radiative transfer computations as no in situ measurements are available. {A} synthetic database is built considering homogeneous, multi-layered spheres, aggregates and cylinders. {S}canning electron micrographs were performed to investigate the cell morphology to simulate particles as close as possible to the real cells. {T}his set of numerical results represents a valuable database for many kinds of applications dealing with marine optics. {C}omparisons showed that the {C}ytosense estimates for the cultures are consistent with values predicted by the theory. {I}n average, more than 92% of the {C}ytosense estimates were encompassed by predicted values. {T}he backscattering cross section and the backscattering efficiency were compared with in situ measurements found in the literature wherever possible. {R}esults showed that sigma(bb) and {Q}(bb) estimations fall within the range of the referenced values.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{O}ptics {E}xpress}, volume = {24}, numero = {21}, pages = {24188--24212}, ISSN = {1094-4087}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1364/oe.24.024188}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068685}, }