@article{fdi:010068663, title = {{S}ynopsis of the biology and ecology of {P}omadasys argenteus ({H}aemulidae) in {N}ew {C}aledonia}, author = {{K}ulbicki, {M}ichel and {M}orize, {E}ric and {W}antiez, {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{P}omadasys argenteus ({F}orsskal, 1775) is a major commercial and subsistence species of shore fish in most of its range ({E}ast {A}frica to {F}iji) but little information is available on its biology and ecology. {T}he present study investigates the major biological and ecological traits of this species in {N}ew {C}aledonia, on the eastern border of its range. {T}his species was mainly found in mangroves and to a lesser extent on nearby soft bottoms. {M}ost of the fish were found in shallow waters (< 5 m), the deepest record being 28 m. {A}bundance varied within habitats through the year, with fish becoming more abundant on soft bottoms during the reproductive season, which occurs between {J}uly and {D}ecember. {T}he largest specimen was 42 cm {FL} and 1150 g. {F}emales were more abundant (73% of the sexed population) and larger than males, the latter never exceeding 34 cm {FL}. {B}oth sexes matured at the same size (16-18 cm). {A} higher proportion of females was found in the mangroves than on soft bottoms. {H}owever, the proportion of males and females ready to reproduce was similar in both habitats. {D}iet showed little diversity and was mainly composed of crabs and to a lesser extent shrimps, bivalves and annelids. {L}ength-weight relationships varied between sexes, with males being slightly heavier than females of the same size. {G}rowth was estimated by analyzing daily and seasonal otolith increments which were validated by a combination of methods. {A}n asymptotic growth formula was fitted to the data: {L}ength (mm {FL}) = 420*(1 - e(-0.346*(age-0.161))), where age is given in years. {G}rowth was found to be slower than in most other studies, except in {K}uwait waters. {T}here was no significant difference in growth between sexes.}, keywords = {{H}aemulidae ; {P}omadasys argenteus ; {PSE} ; {N}ew {C}aledonia ; {G}rowth ; {R}eproduction ; {D}iet ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}ybium}, volume = {33}, numero = {1}, pages = {45--59}, ISSN = {0399-0974}, year = {2009}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068663}, }