@article{fdi:010068598, title = {{S}olidarity economy for development and women's emancipation : lessons from {B}olivia}, author = {{H}illenkamp, {I}sabelle}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}his article critically assesses the relationship between the solidarity economy ({SE}) and women's emancipation through a case study of {SE} groups in {E}l {A}lto, {B}olivia. {I}t highlights the fact that the failure to harness the potential of {SE} as a development alternative and as a means for the emancipation of women can partly be attributed to the neglect of gender-related issues in the study of {SE}. {F}ollowing an examination of {SE} in the {B}olivian context of class and ethnicity, the article deepens the analysis by focusing on gender. {I}t shows that the significant participation of women in {SE} is a response to the double imperative imposed by the current processes of monetization of production and home-based reproduction. {C}ompared with their insertion into the market individually, participation in {SE} allows women to increase and smooth their income. {I}n general, however, their income remains lower than that of men and also below the poverty line. {T}his reflects a continuing gender asymmetry and points to the limitations to what solidarity among poor women can achieve. {T}he article concludes with an assessment of the possibilities as well as the difficulties inherent in a new pathway to women's emancipation through {SE}, a pathway which would necessitate a reorganization of the social sphere of reproduction.}, keywords = {{ANTHROPOLOGIE} {ECONOMIQUE} ; {ECONOMIE} {SOCIALE} ; {TRAVAIL} {DES} {FEMMES} ; {ROLE} {DES} {FEMMES} ; {RELATION} {DE} {GENRE} ; {IDENTITE} {SOCIALE} ; {COMMUNAUTE} {AMERINDIENNE} ; {EMANCIPATION} ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ANDES}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{D}evelopment and {C}hange}, volume = {48}, numero = {5}, pages = {1133–1158}, ISSN = {0012-155{X}}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1111/dech.12193}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068598}, }