@article{fdi:010068445, title = {{I}n{\'e}galit{\'e}s scolaires {\`a} {C}otonou ({B}{\'e}nin) : r{\^o}le croissant de l'encadrement familial {\`a} la recherche d'une {\'e}ducation de qualit{\'e}}, author = {{G}astineau, {B}{\'e}n{\'e}dicte and {K}padonou, {N}. and {D}elaunay, {V}al{\'e}rie and {A}ssogba, {E}.{S}. and {G}n{\'e}l{\'e}, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{FRE}}, abstract = {{E}ducational inequality in {C}otonou ({B}enin): the increasing role of family supervision in obtaining quality education – {I}n {C}otonou, the economic capital of {B}enin, primary school enrolment is available to all. {G}irls and boys go to school. {V}ery few children between the ages of 6 and 14 years have never attended school. {H}owever, not all children have the same educational experience. {D}rawing on data from a socio-economic survey conducted in 2012, the authors examine pupils' schooling conditions. {T}heir analyses confirm the hypotheses derived from the literature review: inequalities have moved from outside school to inside it. {G}eneralised access to primary school has not done away with inequalities - far from it - and today in {C}otonou the schooling and learning conditions are very diverse. {T}he most advantaged children are enrolled in private schools, have a tutor and are helped with their homework by their parents. {T}hese children are those who come from the more affluent social classes and in particular those whose parents have the highest level of formal education. {T}he inequalities once observed in access to school have now shifted to extracurricular supervision and the choice of school. {T}he survey also highlighted that the few children still entirely outside of the school system are foster children.}, keywords = {{SCOLARISATION} ; {INEGALITE} {SOCIALE} ; {STATUT} {SOCIOECONOMIQUE} ; {ENQUETE} ; {SOCIETE} {URBAINE} ; {BENIN} ; {COTONOU}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {R}eview of {E}ducation}, volume = {61}, numero = {4}, pages = {445--464}, year = {2015}, DOI = {10.1007/s11159-015-9502-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068445}, }