@article{fdi:010068353, title = {{F}amilies of similar events and modes of oscillation of the conduit at {Y}asur volcano ({V}anuatu)}, author = {{B}attaglia, {J}. and {M}{\'e}taxian, {J}ean-{P}hilippe and {G}araebiti, {E}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e examined one year of seismic recordings collected in 2008 during a temporary experiment at {Y}asur volcano ({V}anuatu). {T}he volcano has a permanent {S}trombolian activity that was at a relatively high level during most of our experiment with commonly at least one explosion per minute. {A}ssociated with this activity, the network recorded intense seismicicity with hundreds of transients per day. {V}ideo recordings indicate that most of the high frequency transients are directly related to the strombolian explosions. {T}hey also outline the presence of fewer signals which are not accompanied by any surface activity. {T}he classification of transient events recorded at a station close to the summit indicates that a significant part of the events exhibit waveform similarity. {T}his technique allows the identification of characteristic repeating events among the hundreds of thousands of transients recorded during the experiment. {M}ost of the families of similar events are groups of explosion quakes ({EQ}s) but a few are groups of {L}ong {P}eriod events related to deeper processes. {B}y scanning the 9 months of continuous data available at the summit station with master events extracted from these families we reconstruct their temporal evolution. {O}ur results show that several families dominate the activity with a few of them lasting for several months. {W}e show that their temporal evolutions can be used to probe changes in the structure or activity of the volcano. {W}e observe that a major change was induced by a {M} = 7.3 subduction earthquake which occurred on {A}pril 9, 2008 about 80 km from the volcano. {W}hile this,event did not change significantly the surface morphology of the volcano nor the intensity of the eruptive activity, it interrupted the families as none of them is present both before and after the event. {T}his change in the waveforms can be explained by a drop in the seismic velocity of the volcano caused by the distal event. {N}umerous other transitions between families are observed, sudden or progressive. {T}hese can be interpreted as representative of changes in the eruptive dynamics. {T}he presence of similar {EQ}s, especially for impulsive explosions, indicates that the source mechanism is reproducible and has a stable location for some periods. {T}his favors a source process based on the oscillation of the conduit or oscillation of the edifice in response to the explosive decompression of gas slugs at the free surface of the conduit. {O}ur results suggest that the seismic activity of {Y}asur is characterized by the presence of dominant modes of resonance of the conduit which may be influenced both by external and internal factors.}, keywords = {{Y}asur ; {S}trombolian activity ; {V}olcano seismology ; {E}xplosion quakes ; {S}imilar events ; {VANUATU} ; {YASUR} {VOLCAN}}, booktitle = {{U}nderstanding volcanoes in the {V}anuatu arc}, journal = {{J}ournal of {V}olcanology and {G}eothermal {R}esearch}, volume = {322}, numero = {{N}o {S}p{\'e}cial}, pages = {196--211}, ISSN = {0377-0273}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2015.11.003}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068353}, }