@article{fdi:010068343, title = {{T}he fine-scale genetic structure of the malaria vectors {A}nopheles funestus and {A}nopheles gambiae ({D}iptera : {C}ulicidae) in the north-eastern part of {T}anzania}, author = {{G}elin, {P}auline and {M}agalon, {H}. and {D}rakeley, {C}. and {M}axwell, {C}. and {M}agesa, {S}. and {T}akken, {W}. and {B}o{\¨e}te, {C}hristophe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{U}nderstanding the impact of altitude and ecological heterogeneity at a fine scale on the populations of malaria vectors is essential to better understand and anticipate eventual epidemiological changes. {I}t could help to evaluate the spread of alleles conferring resistance to insecticides and also determine any increased entomological risk of transmission in highlands due to global warming. {W}e used microsatellite markers to measure the effect of altitude and distance on the population genetic structure of {A}nopheles funestus and {A}nopheles gambiae s.s. in the {M}uheza area in the north-eastern part of {T}anzania (seven loci for each species). {O}ur analysis reveals strong gene flow between the different populations of {A}n. funestus from lowland and highland areas, as well as between populations of {A}n. gambiae sampled in the lowland area. {T}hese results highlight for {A}n. funestus the absence of a significant spatial subpopulation structuring at small-scale, despite a steep ecological and altitudinal cline. {O}ur findings are important in the understanding of the possible spread of alleles conferring insecticide resistance through mosquito populations. {S}uch information is essential for vector control programmes to avoid the rapid spread and fixation of resistance in mosquito populations.}, keywords = {{A}nopheles funestus ; {A}nopheles gambiae ; altitude ; malaria ; microsatellite ; population genetics ; {T}anzania ; {TANZANIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {T}ropical {I}nsect {S}cience}, volume = {36}, numero = {4}, pages = {161--170}, ISSN = {1742-7584}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1017/s1742758416000175}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068343}, }