@article{fdi:010068342, title = {{T}riggering of the 2014 {M}(w)7.3 {P}apanoa earthquake by a slow slip event in {G}uerrero, {M}exico}, author = {{R}adiguet, {M}. and {P}erfettini, {H}ugo and {C}otte, {N}. and {G}ualandi, {A}. and {V}alette, {B}ernard and {K}ostoglodov, {V}. and {L}homme, {T}. and {W}alpersdorf, {A}. and {C}ano, {E}. {C}. and {C}ampillo, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}ince their discovery two decades ago(1,2), slow slip events have been shown to play an important role in accommodating strain in subduction zones. {H}owever, the physical mechanisms that generate slow slip and the relationships with earthquakes are unclear. {S}low slip events have been recorded in the {G}uerrero segment of the {C}ocos-{N}orth {A}merica subduction zone(2,3). {H}ere we use inversion of position time series recorded by a continuous {GPS} network to reconstruct the evolution of aseismic slip on the subduction interface of the {G}uerrero segment. {W}e find that a slow slip event began in {F}ebruary 2014, two months before the magnitude ({M}-w) 7.3 {P}apanoa earthquake on 18 {A}pril. {T}he slow slip event initiated in a region adjacent to the earthquake hypocentre and extended into the vicinity of the seismogenic zone. {T}his spatio-temporal proximity strongly suggests that the {P}apanoa earthquake was triggered by the ongoing slow slip event. {W}e demonstrate that the triggering mechanism could be either static stress increases in the hypocentral region, as revealed by {C}oulomb stress modelling, or enhanced weakening of the earthquake hypocentral area by the slow slip. {W}e also show that the plate interface in the {G}uerrero area is highly coupled between slow slip events, and that most of the accumulated strain is released aseismically during the slow slip episodes.}, keywords = {{MEXIQUE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{N}ature {G}eoscience}, volume = {9}, numero = {11}, pages = {829--833 + 1}, ISSN = {1752-0894}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1038/ngeo2817}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068342}, }