@article{fdi:010068322, title = {{B}ayesian analysis of stage-fall-discharge rating curves and their uncertainties}, author = {{M}ansanarez, {V}. and {L}e {C}oz, {J}. and {R}enard, {B}. and {L}ang, {M}. and {P}ierrefeu, {G}. and {V}auchel, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{S}tage-fall-discharge ({SFD}) rating curves are traditionally used to compute streamflow records at sites where the energy slope of the flow is variable due to variable backwater effects. {W}e introduce a model with hydraulically interpretable parameters for estimating {SFD} rating curves and their uncertainties. {C}onventional power functions for channel and section controls are used. {T}he transition to a backwater-affected channel control is computed based on a continuity condition, solved either analytically or numerically. {T}he practical use of the method is demonstrated with two real twin-gauge stations, the {R}hone {R}iver at {V}alence, {F}rance, and the {G}uthusbekken stream at station 00030033, {N}orway. {T}hose stations are typical of a channel control and a section control, respectively, when backwater-unaffected conditions apply. {T}he performance of the method is investigated through sensitivity analysis to prior information on controls and to observations (i.e., available gaugings) for the station of {V}alence. {T}hese analyses suggest that precisely identifying {SFD} rating curves requires adapted gauging strategy and/or informative priors. {T}he {M}adeira {R}iver, one of the largest tributaries of the {A}mazon, provides a challenging case typical of large, flat, tropical river networks where bed roughness can also be variable in addition to slope. {I}n this case, the difference in staff gauge reference levels must be estimated as another uncertain parameter of the {SFD} model. {T}he proposed {B}ayesian method is a valuable alternative solution to the graphical and empirical techniques still proposed in hydrometry guidance and standards.}, keywords = {{B}ayesian inference ; hydrometry ; stage-fall-discharge rating curve ; uncertainty analysis ; variable backwater ; {FRANCE} ; {RHONE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{W}ater {R}esources {R}esearch}, volume = {52}, numero = {9}, pages = {7424--7443}, ISSN = {0043-1397}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1002/2016wr018916}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068322}, }