@article{fdi:010068299, title = {{V}ariations in attack behaviours between {G}lossina palpalis gambiensis and {G}-tachinoides in a gallery forest suggest host specificity}, author = {{S}alou, {E}. and {R}ayaisse, {J}. {B}. and {K}aba, {D}. and {D}johan, {V}. and {Y}oni, {W}. and {B}arry, {I}. and {D}ofini, {F}. and {B}ouyer, {J}. and {S}olano, {P}hilippe}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}setse flies {G}lossina palpalis gambiensis and {G}. tachinoides are among the major vectors of sleeping sickness ({H}uman {A}frican {T}rypanosomiasis-{HAT}) and nagana ({A}frican {A}nimal {T}rypanosomiasis-{AAT}) in {W}est {A}frica. {B}oth riparian species occur sympatrically in gallery forests of south west {B}urkina {F}aso, but little is known of their interspecies relationships although different authors think there may be some competition between them. {T}he aim of this study was to check if sympatric species have different strategies when approaching a host. {A} man placed in a sticky cube (1mx1mx1m) and a sticky black-blue-black target (1mx1m) were used to capture tsetse along the {C}omoe river banks in a {L}atin {S}quare design. {T}he number and the height at which tsetse were caught by each capture method were recorded according to species and sex. {G}lossina p. gambiensis was more attracted to human bait than to the target, but both species were captured at a significantly higher height on the target compared with the human bait ({P}<0.05). {N}o significant difference in heights was found between {G}. tachinoides and {G}. p. gambiensis captured on targets (33 and 35cm, respectively, {P}>0.05). {H}owever, catches on human bait showed a significant difference in height between {G}. tachinoides and {G}. p. gambiensis (22.5 and 30.6cm, respectively, {P}<0.001). {T}his study showed that these sympatric species had different attack behaviours to humans, which is not the case with the target. {T}he implications of these findings are discussed.}, keywords = {{G}lossina ; competition ; flight behaviour ; human-bait ; sympatric species ; tsetse fly ; visual target}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}edical and {V}eterinary {E}ntomology}, volume = {30}, numero = {4}, pages = {403--409}, ISSN = {0269-283{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1111/mve.12187}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068299}, }