@article{fdi:010068287, title = {{E}volutionary systematics and biogeography of the arid habitat-adapted rodent genus {G}erbillus ({R}odentia, {M}uridae) : a mostly {P}lio-{P}leistocene {A}frican history}, author = {{N}diaye, {A}. and {C}hevret, {P}. and {D}obigny, {G}authier and {G}ranjon, {L}aurent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he systematics of the arid-adapted {O}ld {W}orld {G}erbillus rodent genus has always been challenging, with many different taxonomic arrangements proposed. {B}eyond such taxonomic aspects, the timing and geographical pattern of the evolutionary history of this group remains largely unknown. {B}ased on mitochondrial (cytochrome b) and nuclear (interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein) sequences obtained from the specimens of 21 species, we conducted a phylogenetic analysis of the group, estimated the ages and putative ancestral ranges of its major lineages. {F}our major clades were clearly retrieved within {G}erbillus, for which we propose a subgenus rank. {W}e showed that the emergence of the genus dates back to the end of the {M}iocene, which corresponds to a period of aridification and {C}4 vegetation expansion in open habitats, while the four sublineages originated at the end of the {P}liocene. {M}ost subsequent diversification events occurred during the {P}leistocene, a period characterized by recurrent climatic/environmental shifts with increasing aridification during the last two millions of years. {F}inally, we suggested that most of the {G}erbillus evolutionary history took place in {A}frica. {O}nly in a few instances did dispersal events from {A}frica to {A}sia give birth to extant {A}sian lineages, a pattern that contrasts with what has been found in many animal groups.}, keywords = {{A}frica ; {A}sia dispersal ; arid zones ; {B}ayesian analyses ; {D}ipodillus ; {G}erbillinae ; palaeo-environmental fluctuations ; taxonomy ; {AFRIQUE} ; {ASIE} ; {ARABIQUE} {PENINSULE} ; {SAHARA} ; {SAHEL} ; {ZONE} {ARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {Z}oological {S}ystematics and {E}volutionary {R}esearch}, volume = {54}, numero = {4}, pages = {299--317}, ISSN = {0947-5745}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1111/jzs.12143}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068287}, }