@article{fdi:010068271, title = {{D}isengagement of general practitioners in cervical cancer screening}, author = {{P}oncet, {L}. and {R}igal, {L}. and {P}anjo, {H}. and {G}autier, {A}. and {C}hauvin, {P}. and {M}envielle, {G}. and {C}adot, {E}mmanuelle and {R}inga, {V}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the absence of organized cervical cancer screening ({CCS}) programs, gynecologists remain principal actors in obtaining a {P}ap smear, followed by general practitioners ({GP}s). {I}n {F}rance, with the growing scarcity of gynecologists and social inequalities in access to opportunistic screening, {GP}s are valuable resources for women's gynecologic follow-up. {W}e aimed to investigate the characteristics of {GP}s who do not perform {CCS}, analyzing the effect of {GP}s' sex and their evolution over time. {O}n the basis of data from three cross-sectional surveys conducted among representative samples of {F}rench {GP}s in 1998, 2002, and 2009 (n=5199), we constructed univariate and multivariate logistic mixed models (level 2: county, level 1: {GP}) with random intercept stratified on {GP}s' sex to investigate the characteristics of the {GP}s associated with no practice of {CCS} ever. {A}lmost one-third of all {GP}s did not perform {CCS} ever and it increased with time. {M}ale {GP}s were always more likely not to perform it (odds ratio=0.50, 95% confidence interval=0.42-0.59). {T}he percentage of {GP}s not performing {CCS} increased more markedly among male than among female {GP}s, and increased more among the youngest age group. {I}ncreasingly fewer {GP}s engage in {CCS} when the growing scarcity of medical gynecologists calls for more participation. {F}emale {GP}s remain significantly more active in {CCS} than male {GP}s. {T}he participation in {CCS} is determined differently according to the practitioner's sex.}, keywords = {cervical cancer screening ; general practitioner ; {P}ap smear ; screening ; social inequalities ; {FRANCE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}uropean {J}ournal of {C}ancer {P}revention}, volume = {25}, numero = {6}, pages = {547--555}, ISSN = {0959-8278}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1097/cej.0000000000000208}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068271}, }