@article{fdi:010068256, title = {{I}nter-genomic {DNA} exchanges and homeologous gene silencing shaped the nascent allopolyploid coffee genome ({C}offea arabica {L}.)}, author = {{L}ashermes, {P}hilippe and {H}ueber, {Y}ann and {C}ombes, {M}arie-{C}hristine and {S}everac, {D}. and {D}ereeper, {A}lexis}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}llopolyploidization is a biological process that has played a major role in plant speciation and evolution. {G}enomic changes are common consequences of polyploidization, but their dynamics over time are still poorly understood. {C}offea arabica, a recently formed allotetraploid, was chosen to study genetic changes that accompany allopolyploid formation. {B}oth {RNA}-seq and {DNA}-seq data were generated from two genetically distant {C}. arabica accessions. {G}enomic structural variation was investigated using {C}. canephora, one of its diploid progenitors, as reference genome. {T}he fate of 9047 duplicate homeologous genes was inferred and compared between the accessions. {T}he pattern of {SNP} density along the reference genome was consistent with the allopolyploid structure. {L}arge genomic duplications or deletions were not detected. {T}wo homeologous copies were retained and expressed in 96% of the genes analyzed. {N}evertheless, duplicated genes were found to be affected by various genomic changes leading to homeolog loss or silencing. {G}enetic and epigenetic changes were evidenced that could have played a major role in the stabilization of the unique ancestral allotetraploid and its subsequent diversification. {W}hile the early evolution of {C}. arabica mainly involved homeologous crossover exchanges, the later stage appears to have relied on more gradual evolution involving gene conversion and homeolog silencing.}, keywords = {polyploidy ; evolution ; gene conversion ; homoeologous recombination ; genome dominance}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}3 : {G}enes {G}enomes {G}enetics}, volume = {6}, numero = {9}, pages = {2937--2948}, ISSN = {2160-1836}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1534/g3.116.030858}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068256}, }