@article{fdi:010068242, title = {{C}ombining stable isotopes, {E}ddy {C}ovariance system and meteorological measurements for partitioning evapotranspiration, of winter wheat, into soil evaporation and plant transpiration in a semi-arid region}, author = {{A}ouade, {G}. and {E}zzahar, {J}. and {A}menzou, {N}. and {E}r-{R}aki, {S}. and {B}enkaddour, {A}. and {K}habba, {S}. and {J}arlan, {L}ionel}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} good knowledge of the partitioning of evapotranspiration ({ET}) is particularly important for improving crop water productivity, especially in semi-arid regions where irrigated agriculture uses up to 85% of total available water. {I}n this paper, stable isotopic method and micrometeorological data were combined to assess the {ET} partition into plant transpiration and soil evaporation of an irrigated winter wheat field lying in the center of {M}orocco characterized by a semi-arid climate. {A}tmospheric, vegetation and soil samples were collected during two consecutive growing seasons (2011-2012 and 2012-2013). {T}he sampling campaign was carried out after and before two irrigation events and lasted for five days. {A}dditionally, an {E}ddy covariance system and a standard meteorological station were installed. {I}sotope turbulent mixing relationships, isotopic values of transpired water from plants ({T}) and that of evaporating water vapor from soil surface ({E}) were used to estimate fractions of transpiration and evaporation contributing to the total {ET}. {T}he partition of {ET} was only performed by using delta {H}-2. {I}n fact, results obtained during 2011-2012 period, showed that this method worked well for the deuterium in comparison to oxygen-18 (delta {O}-18). {A}fter irrigation, the ratios {T}/{ET} were about 0.73, 0.59 and 0.74 respectively in {D}ays {O}f {Y}ear ({DOY}) 53, 54 and 55, averaging 0.69. {P}rior to irrigation, when the soil was dry, the {T}/{ET} ratio was 0.83 and 0.77, respectively in two days ({DOY} 101 and 102), averaging 0.80. {A}fterward, these fractions have been used in conjunction with {E}ddy {C}ovariance measurements for converting the obtained percentages to mm d(-1) values which are required by the farmers and the water managers. {T}he obtained averages of evaporation and transpiration were respectively: 1.76 and 3.85 mm d(-1) for the 2011-2012 and 1.34 and5.45 mm d(-1) for the 2012-2013. {O}ur approach is useful for partitioning {ET} in an irrigated winter wheat under semi-arid climate at an ecosystem scale on short time steps.}, keywords = {{E}ddy covariance ; {E}vapotranspiration partitioning ; {F}lood irrigation ; {S}emi-arid region ; {S}table isotope ; {W}inter wheat ; {MAROC} ; {ZONE} {SEMIARIDE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{A}gricultural {W}ater {M}anagement}, volume = {177}, numero = {}, pages = {181--192}, ISSN = {0378-3774}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.agwat.2016.07.021}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068242}, }