@article{fdi:010068221, title = {{R}ecent origin and semi-permeable species boundaries in the scleractinian coral genus {S}tylophora from the {R}ed {S}ea}, author = {{A}rrigoni, {R}. and {B}enzoni, {F}. and {T}erraneo, {T}. {I}. and {C}aragnano, {A}nnalisa and {B}erumen, {M}. {L}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}eticulate evolution, introgressive hybridisation, and phenotypic plasticity have been documented in scleractinian corals and have challenged our ability to interpret speciation processes. {S}tylophora is a key model system in coral biology and physiology, but genetic analyses have revealed that cryptic lineages concealed by morphological stasis exist in the {S}tylophora pistillata species complex. {T}he {R}ed {S}ea represents a hotspot for {S}tylophora biodiversity with six morphospecies described, two of which are regionally endemic. {W}e investigated {S}tylophora species boundaries from the {R}ed {S}ea and the associated {S}ymbiodinium by sequencing seven {DNA} loci. {S}tylophora morphospecies from the {R}ed {S}ea were not resolved based on mitochondrial phylogenies and showed nuclear allele sharing. {L}ow genetic differentiation, weak isolation, and strong gene flow were found among morphospecies although no signals of genetic recombination were evident among them. {S}tylophora mamillata harboured {S}ymbiodinium clade {C} whereas the other two {S}tylophora morphospecies hosted either {S}ymbiodinium clade {A} or {C}. {T}hese evolutionary patterns suggest that either gene exchange occurs through reticulate evolution or that multiple ecomorphs of a phenotypically plastic species occur in the {R}ed {S}ea. {T}he recent origin of the lineage leading to the {R}ed {S}ea {S}tylophora may indicate an ongoing speciation driven by environmental changes and incomplete lineage sorting.}, keywords = {{MER} {ROUGE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {6}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 34612 [13 p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1038/srep34612}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068221}, }