@article{fdi:010068205, title = {{A}cquisition of natural humoral immunity to {P}. falciparum in early life in {B}enin : impact of clinical, environmental and host factors}, author = {{D}echavanne, {C}{\'e}lia and {S}adissou, {I}. and {B}ouraima, {A}. and {A}houangninou, {C}. and {A}moussa, {R}. and {M}ilet, {J}acqueline and {M}outairou, {K}. and {M}assougbodji, {A}. and {T}heisen, {M}. and {R}emarque, {E}. {J}. and {C}ourtin, {D}avid and {N}uel, {G}. and {M}igot {N}abias, {F}lorence and {G}arcia, {A}ndr{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}o our knowledge, effects of age, placental malaria infection, infections during follow-up, nutritional habits, sickle-cell trait and individual exposure to {A}nopheles bites were never explored together in a study focusing on the acquisition of malaria antibody responses among infants living in endemic areas. {F}ive hundred and sixty-seven {B}eninese infants were weekly followed-up from birth to 18 months of age. {I}mmunoglobulin {G} ({I}g{G}), {I}g{G}1 and {I}g{G}3 specific for 5 malaria antigens were measured every 3 months. {A} linear mixed model was used to analyze the effect of each variable on the acquisition of antimalarial antibodies in 6- to 18-month old infants in univariate and multivariate analyses. {P}lacental malaria, nutrition intakes and sickle-cell trait did not influence the infant antibody levels to {P}. falciparum antigens. {I}n contrary, age, malaria antibody levels at birth, previous and present malaria infections as well as exposure to {A}nopheles bites were significantly associated with the natural acquisition of malaria antibodies in 6- to 18-month old {B}eninese infants. {T}his study highlighted inescapable factors to consider simultaneously in an immuno-epidemiological study or a vaccine trial in early life.}, keywords = {{BENIN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}cientific {R}eports - {N}ature}, volume = {6}, numero = {}, pages = {art. 33961 [9 p.]}, ISSN = {2045-2322}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1038/srep33961}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068205}, }