@article{fdi:010068201, title = {{E}cology of vertical life in harsh environments : the case of mycorrhizal symbiosis with secular cliff climbing trees ({J}uniperus phoenicea {L}.)}, author = {{S}anguin, {H}. and {M}athaux, {C}. and {G}uibal, {F}. and {P}rin, {Y}. and {M}andin, {J}. {P}. and {G}auquelin, {T}. and {D}uponnois, {R}obin}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he {P}hoenician juniper tree ({J}uniperus phoenicea {L}.) is emblematic of {M}editerranean ecosystems. {S}ecular trees from a relict population are present in the cliffs of the {A}rdeche gorges (protected natural reserve). {T}his population shows a remarkable adaptability to major physical, nutrient and water availability constraints. {T}he basis of its adaptation to hostile environmental conditions is poorly understood. {T}he aim of the study is to decipher the diversity and structure of the {P}hoenician juniper mycorrhizal {C}ommunity in order to highlight mycorrhizal characteristics related to the particular ecology of this relict population. {W}e hypothesized that a long-term co-evolution between arbuscular mycorrhizal ({AM}) fungi and the plant partner, emphasized by a geographic isolation, may have selected a specific mycorrhizal community playing a key role in {J}. phoenicea adaptation. 454-sequencing of {AM} fungal community from {P}hoenician juniper secular trees revealed a complex community, notably composed of {R}hizophagus and poorly-affiliated {G}lomeraceae clades. {T}he {AM} fungal community characterized was mainly related to those found in arid and semi-arid habitats, strengthening the ecological specificity of the {P}hoenician juniper {AM} fungal communities to harsh environmental conditions.}, keywords = {454-{P}yrosequencing ; {J}uniperus phoenicea ; {M}ycorrhizal community ; {S}ecular tree ; {H}arsh environment}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {A}rid {E}nvironments}, volume = {134}, numero = {}, pages = {132--135}, ISSN = {0140-1963}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jaridenv.2016.07.008}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068201}, }