@article{fdi:010068200, title = {{Q}uantifying groundwater-surface water interactions in a proglacial valley, {C}ordillera {B}lanca, {P}eru}, author = {{S}omers, {L}. {D}. and {G}ordon, {R}. {P}. and {M}c{K}enzie, {J}. {M}. and {L}autz, {L}. {K}. and {W}igmore, {O}. and {G}lose, {A}. and {G}las, {R}. and {A}ubry-{W}ake, {C}. and {M}ark, {B}. and {B}araer, {M}. and {C}ondom, {T}homas}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} myriad of downstream communities and industries rely on streams fed by both groundwater discharge and glacier meltwater draining the {C}ordillera {B}lanca, {N}orthern {P}eruvian {A}ndes, which contains the highest density of glaciers in the tropics. {D}uring the dry season, approximately half the discharge in the region's proglacial streams comes from groundwater. {H}owever, because of the remote and difficult access to the region, there are few field methods that are effective at the reach scale to identify the spatial distribution of groundwater discharge. {A}n energy balance model, {R}hodamine {WT} dye tracing, and high-definition kite-borne imagery were used to determine gross and net groundwater inputs to a 4-km reach of the {Q}uilcay {R}iver in {H}uascaran {N}ational {P}ark, {P}eru. {T}he {HFLUX} computer programme () was used to simulate the {Q}uilcay {R}iver's energy balance using stream temperature observations, meteorological measurements, and kite-borne areal photography. {I}nference from the model indicates 29% of stream discharge at the reach outlet was contributed by groundwater discharge over the study section. {R}hodamine {WT} dye tracing results, coupled with the energy balance, show that approximately 49% of stream water is exchanged (no net gain) with the subsurface as gross gains and losses. {T}he results suggest that gross gains from groundwater are largest in a moraine subreach but because of large gross losses, net gains are larger in the meadow subreaches. {T}hese insights into pathways of groundwater-surface water interaction can be applied to improve hydrological modelling in proglacial catchments throughout {S}outh {A}merica.}, keywords = {hydrology ; heat tracing ; dye tracing ; {C}ordillera {B}lanca ; proglacial ; groundwater-surface water interaction ; {PEROU} ; {CORDILLERE} {BLANCHE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{H}ydrological {P}rocesses}, volume = {30}, numero = {17}, pages = {2915--2929}, ISSN = {0885-6087}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1002/hyp.10912}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068200}, }