@article{fdi:010068155, title = {{E}co-immunology and bioinvasion : revisiting the evolution of increased competitive ability hypotheses}, author = {{C}ornet, {S}. and {B}rouat, {C}arine and {D}iagne, {C}. and {C}harbonnel, {N}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}mmunity is at the core of major theories related to invasion biology. {A}mong them, the evolution of increased competitive ability ({EICA}) and {EICA}-refined hypotheses have been used as a reference work. {T}hey postulate that the release from pathogens often experienced during invasion should favour a reallocation of resources from (costly) immune defences to beneficial life-history traits associated with invasive potential. {W}e review studies documenting immune changes during animal invasions. {W}e describe the designs and approaches that have been applied and discuss some reasons that prevent drawing generalized conclusions regarding {EICA} hypotheses. {W}e detail why a better assessment of invasion history and immune costs, including immunopathologies and parasite communities, could improve our understanding of the relationships between immunity and invasion success. {F}inally, we propose new perspectives to revisit the {EICA} hypotheses. {W}e first emphasize the neutral and adaptive mechanisms involved in immune changes, as well as timing of the later. {S}uch investigation will help decipher whether immune changes are a consequence of pre-adaptation, or the result of postintroduction adaptations to invasion front conditions. {W}e next bring attention to new avenues of research that remain unexplored, namely age-dependent immunity and gut microbiota, potential key factors underlying adaptation to invasion front environment and modulating invasion success.}, keywords = {competitive ability ; costly immune defences ; expansion range ; host-parasite coevolution ; inflammation ; invasive species}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}volutionary {A}pplications}, volume = {9}, numero = {8}, pages = {952--962}, ISSN = {1752-4571}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1111/eva.12406}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068155}, }