@article{fdi:010068130, title = {{M}odelling of faecal indicator bacteria ({FIB}) in the {R}ed {R}iver basin ({V}ietnam)}, author = {{N}guyen, {H}. {T}. {M}. and {B}illen, {G}. and {G}arnier, {J}. and {R}ochelle {N}ewall, {E}mma and {R}ibolzi, {O}livier and {S}ervais, {P}. and {L}e, {Q}. {T}. {P}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{M}any studies have been published on the use of models to assess water quality through faecal contamination levels. {H}owever, the vast majority of this work has been conducted in developed countries and similar studies from developing countries in tropical regions are lacking. {H}ere, we used the {S}eneque/{R}iverstrahler model to investigate the dynamics and seasonal distribution of total coliforms ({TC}), an indicator of faecal contamination, in the {R}ed {R}iver ({N}orthern {V}ietnam) and its upstream tributaries. {T}he results of the model showed that, in general, the overall correlations between the simulated and observed values of {TC} follow a 1:1 relationship at all examined stations. {T}hey also showed that {TC} numbers were affected by both land use in terms of human and livestock populations and by hydrology (river discharge). {W}e also developed a possible scenario based on the predicted changes in future demographics and land use in the {R}ed {R}iver system for the 2050 horizon. {I}nterestingly, the results showed only a limited increase of {TC} numbers compared with the present situation at all stations, especially in the upstream {V}u {Q}uang station and in the urban {H}a {N}oi station. {T}his is probably due to the dominance of diffuse sources of contamination relative to point sources. {T}he model is to our knowledge one of the first mechanistic models able to simulate spatial and seasonal variations of microbial contamination ({TC} numbers) in the whole drainage network of a large regional river basin covering both urban and rural areas of a developing country.}, keywords = {{S}ub-tropicalwatershed modelling ; {F}uture scenarios ; {W}ater quality ; {F}aecal coliforms ; {P}oint and non-point sources ; {VIET} {NAM} ; {FLEUVE} {ROUGE} {BASSIN} {VERSANT}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}nvironmental {M}onitoring and {A}ssessment}, volume = {188}, numero = {9}, pages = {art. 517 [15 p.]}, ISSN = {0167-6369}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s10661-016-5528-4}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068130}, }