@article{fdi:010068125, title = {{C}ontrol of shortwave radiation parameterization on tropical climate {SST}-forced simulation}, author = {{C}retat, {J}. and {M}asson, {S}. and {B}erthet, {S}. and {S}amson, {G}. and {T}erray, {P}ascal and {D}udhia, {J}. and {P}insard, {F}. and {H}ourdin, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{SST}-forced tropical-channel simulations are used to quantify the control of shortwave ({SW}) parameterization on the mean tropical climate compared to other major model settings (convection, boundary layer turbulence, vertical and horizontal resolutions), and to pinpoint the physical mechanisms whereby this control manifests. {A}nalyses focus on the spatial distribution and magnitude of the net {SW} radiation budget at the surface ({SW}net_{SFC}), latent heat fluxes, and rainfall at the annual timescale. {T}he model skill and sensitivity to the tested settings are quantified relative to observations and using an ensemble approach. {P}ersistent biases include overestimated {SW}net_{SFC} and too intense hydrological cycle. {H}owever, model skill is mainly controlled by {SW} parameterization, especially the magnitude of {SW}net_{SFC} and rainfall and both the spatial distribution and magnitude of latent heat fluxes over ocean. {O}n the other hand, the spatial distribution of continental rainfall ({SW}net_{SFC}) is mainly influenced by convection parameterization and horizontal resolution (boundary layer parameterization and orography). {P}hysical understanding of the control of {SW} parameterization is addressed by analyzing the thermal structure of the atmosphere and conducting sensitivity experiments to {O}-3 absorption and {SW} scattering coefficient. {SW} parameterization shapes the stability of the atmosphere in two different ways according to whether surface is coupled to atmosphere or not, while {O}-3 absorption has minor effects in our simulations. {O}ver {SST}-prescribed regions, increasing the amount of {SW} absorption warms the atmosphere only because surface temperatures are fixed, resulting in increased atmospheric stability. {O}ver land-atmosphere coupled regions, increasing {SW} absorption warms both atmospheric and surface temperatures, leading to a shift towards a warmer state and a more intense hydrological cycle. {T}his turns in reversal model behavior between land and sea points, with the {SW} scheme that simulates greatest {SW} absorption producing the most (less) intense hydrological cycle over land (sea) points. {T}his demonstrates strong limitations for simulating land/sea contrasts in {SST}-forced simulations.}, keywords = {{L}atent heat fluxes ; {P}hysical parameterizations ; {R}adiative budget ; {R}ainfall ; {S}hortwave radiation schemes ; {T}ropical-channel simulations ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{C}limate {D}ynamics}, volume = {47}, numero = {5-6}, pages = {1807--1826}, ISSN = {0930-7575}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s00382-015-2934-1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068125}, }