@article{fdi:010068121, title = {{C}limate change in {A}lgeria and its impact on durum wheat}, author = {{C}hourghal, {N}. and {L}homme, {J}ean-{P}aul and {H}uard, {F}. and {A}idaoui, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}ccording to {IPCC} reports, the {M}editerranean basin and particularly the {N}orth {A}frican area are amongst the most vulnerable regions to climate change. {H}owever, the information concerning the {N}orth {A}frican zone is very limited, and studies on climate change have never been conducted in {A}lgeria up to now. {T}his paper aims at bridging this information gap and initiates a first research on the impact of climate change on durum wheat cropping, the most strategic commodity in the food system and in the national economy of {A}lgeria. {C}limate projections for the distant future (2071-2100), obtained from the {ARPEGE}-{C}limate model of {M},t,o-{F}rance run under the medium {A}1{B} {SRES} scenario, are introduced into a simple agrometeorological crop model previously validated with field data. {T}wo options for the sowing date are assessed: a dynamical date, chosen within the traditional sowing window by means of a rainfall criterion, or a prescribed date with supplemental irrigation on the same day. {C}rop development is modelled using thermal time, and maximum yield is determined from the accumulation of solar radiation. {A} water stress index is inferred from a daily water balance model, and actual yield is estimated from potential yield corrected by the water stress index. {T}he model also takes into account the occurrence of dry periods during the growing season, which can induce partial or total failure of the crop cycle. {T}wo stations, representative of two of the three agroclimatic areas where durum wheat is grown, were chosen: {A}lgiers in the central northern region and {B}ordj {B}ou {A}rreridj in the eastern high plains. {C}limate change is not similar for both areas, but a tendency towards aridity is clear especially in spring. {F}uture temperature and potential evapotranspiration increase in both regions with a maximum in spring and summer. {I}n {A}lgiers, rainfall will decrease throughout the year and mainly in spring and summer. {C}onversely, summer precipitation in {B}ordj {B}ou {A}rreridj will increase significantly. {I}n both regions, the autumn rains will increase in the future climate, the possibilities of early sowing will be improved, crop cycle will be reduced, and harvest will take place earlier. {I}n {A}lgiers, yields tend to decrease in the future climate, whereas in {B}ordj {B}ou {A}rreridj, a dynamical (earlier) sowing will tend to keep yields at their current level.}, keywords = {{A}lgeria ; {C}limate change impact ; {C}rop development and yield modelling ; {D}urum wheat ; {ALGERIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{R}egional {E}nvironmental {C}hange}, volume = {16}, numero = {6}, pages = {1623--1634}, ISSN = {1436-3798}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s10113-015-0889-8}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068121}, }