@article{fdi:010068117, title = {{T}o land or not to land : how do stakeholders perceive the zero discard policy in {E}uropean small-scale fisheries ?}, author = {{V}illasante, {S}. and {P}ita, {C}. and {P}ierce, {G}. {J}. and {G}uimerans, {C}. {P}. and {R}odrigues, {J}. {G}. and {A}ntelo, {M}. and {D}a {R}ocha, {J}. {M}. and {C}utrin, {J}. {G}. and {H}astie, {L}. and {S}umaila, {U}. {R}. and {C}oll, {M}arta}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he landing obligation recently adopted by the {E}uropean {U}nion's ({EU}) {C}ommon {F}isheries {P}olicy aims to eradicate discards in {EU} fisheries. {T}he objective of this paper is to investigate the potential social and economic impacts of the discard ban in {E}uropean small-scale fisheries ({SSF}) and the critical factors for its successful implementation. {A}n exhaustive systematic literature review and a stakeholder consultation were carried out in order to (i) collect detailed information about current knowledge on discards in {EU} {SSF} and gauge stakeholder perceptions about potential impacts of the discard ban in {E}uropean {SSF}, (ii) examine the capacity of the {SSF} industry to implement the discard ban, and (iii) explore the limits and feasibility of implementing such a measure. {T}he results of this study show that little attention has been given by the scientific community to discards in {EU} {SSF}. {I}ndeed, the systematic literature review shows that this problem is relatively unexplored in the {EU}. {I}n addition, the effectiveness of a discard ban in industrial fisheries is still unclear, mainly because discard data are not systematically collected by fisheries authorities. {S}takeholders mostly perceive that the new landing obligation was developed with industrial fisheries in mind and that compliance with the landing obligation in {EU} {SSF} will be difficult to achieve without high economic costs, such as those related to the handling and storage of unwanted fish on board.}, keywords = {{D}iscarding ; {E}uropean union ; {L}anding obligation ; {S}mall-scale fisheries ; {S}takeholders' perceptions ; {EUROPE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{M}arine {P}olicy}, volume = {71}, numero = {}, pages = {166--174}, ISSN = {0308-597{X}}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.marpol.2016.05.004}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010068117}, }