@article{fdi:010067943, title = {{A} sectarian jihad in {N}igeria : the case of {B}oko {H}aram}, author = {{P}{\'e}rouse de {M}ontclos, {M}arc-{A}ntoine}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{B}oko {H}aram is an {I}slamic sect turned terrorist group. {D}espite its ethnic leaning, it is not a liberation front, and it does not advocate a people's revolution. {F}rom an ideological point of view, it is a jihadist movement because it fights for full implementation of strict sharia law which would require a change of political regime and the establishment of an {I}slamic state. {B}ut it does not really follow the {W}ahhabi model of {A}l {Q}aeda or {D}aesh, unlike {AQIM} in {N}orthern {M}ali or {A}l {S}habaab in {S}omalia. {I}n the region of {G}reater {B}orno, which encompasses parts of {N}igeria, {C}had, {N}iger, and {C}ameroon, the sect remains embedded in local dynamics which this article explores through an analysis of the mobilization of its members.}, keywords = {{ETAT} ; {FRONTIERE} ; {SOUVERAINETE} ; {TERRORISME} ; {SECTE} ; {SYSTEME} {POLITIQUE} ; {ARMEE} ; {GUERRE} ; {RELIGION} ; {POUVOIR} {EXECUTIF} ; {PARTI} {POLITIQUE} ; {ISLAM} ; {MOUVEMENT} {ISLAMIQUE} ; {LUTTE} {ANTITERRORISTE} ; {SECTE} {BOKO} {HARAM} ; {NIGERIA}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}mall {W}ars and {I}nsurgencies}, volume = {27}, numero = {5}, pages = {878--895}, ISSN = {0959-2318}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1080/09592318.2016.1208286}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067943}, }