@phdthesis{fdi:010067893, title = {{E}cological changes along the transition from annual crops to rubber plantations in {N}orthern {T}hailand}, author = {{N}eyret, {M}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the past decades, mountainous areas of {N}orth-{E}ast {A}sia have been subject to severe environmental degradations due to population growth and land-use changes. {I}n particular, the transition from annual to perrenial crops such as rubber ({H}evea brasiliensis) plantations could have important consequences on biodiversity and erosion control, which might be alleviated by enhanced management of non-cultivated biodiversity. {I}n this study, we investigate the relations between soil physical properties (bulk density, humidity), weed communities (composition, abundance) and management practices (use of herbicides, fire) in two small catchments of {H}uai {L}ang, {T}hailand. {A} nested sampling protocol was set and we sampled 20 plots from 4 main land-use types along the transition (upland rice, maize, young rubber plantations, mature rubber plantations). {W}e found distinct plant communities (“clusters”) for {A}. rice fields, {B}. maize and young rubber plantations and {C}. rubber plantations, with rice fields having the richest and most abundant communities. {H}erbicide practices appeared to have unconsistent effects on communities' composition and abundance. {R}egarding soil characteristics, soil humidity was higher in cluster {C}, where it decreased with plant densities; it increased with plant densities in cluster {A}. {S}urprisingly, soil bulk density was low in cluster {C} and globally decreased with plant abundance. {A}ltogether, we found that weed communities, management practices, soil characteristics and landscape are closely intertwined. {F}urther research is needed to investigate precise mechanisms underlying these interactions, in particular regarding adaptation of weeds' rooting systems.}, keywords = {{THAILANDE}}, address = {{P}aris ({FRA}) ; {B}ondy}, publisher = {{UPMC} ; {IRD}}, pages = {39 multigr.}, year = {2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067893}, }