@article{fdi:010067800, title = {{L}imited beneficial effects of piceatannol supplementation on obesity complications in the obese {Z}ucker rat : gut microbiota, metabolic, endocrine, and cardiac aspects}, author = {{H}ijona, {E}. and {A}guirre, {L}. and {P}erez-{M}atute, {P}. and {V}illanueva-{M}illan, {M}. {J}. and {M}osqueda-{S}olis, {A}. and {H}asnaoui, {M}. and {N}epveu, {F}. and {S}enard, {J}. {M}. and {B}ujanda, {L}. and {A}ldamiz-{E}chevarria, {L}. and {L}larena, {M}. and {A}ndrade, {F}. and {P}erio, {P}ierre and {L}eboulanger, {F}. and {H}ijona, {L}. and {A}rbones-{M}ainar, {J}. {M}. and {P}ortillo, {M}. and {C}arp{\'e}n{\'e}, {C}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{R}esveratrol is beneficial in obese and diabetic rodents. {H}owever, its low bioavailability raises questions about its therapeutic relevance for treating or preventing obesity complications. {I}n this context, many related natural polyphenols are being tested for their putative antidiabetic and anti-obesity effects. {T}his prompted us to study the influence of piceatannol, a polyhydroxylated stilbene, on the prevention of obesity complications in {Z}ucker obese rats. {A} 6-week supplementation was followed by the determination of various markers in plasma, liver, adipose tissue and heart, together with a large-scale analysis of gut microbiota composition. {W}hen given in doses of 15 or 45 mg/kg body weight/day, piceatannol did not reduce either hyperphagia or fat accumulation. {I}t did not modify the profusion of the most abundant phyla in gut, though slight changes were observed in the abundance of several {L}actobacillus, {C}lostridium, and {B}acteroides species belonging to {F}irmicutes and {B}acteroidetes. {T}his was accompanied by a tendency to reduce plasma lipopolysaccharides by 30 %, and by a decrease of circulating non-esterified fatty acids, {LDL}-cholesterol, and lactate. {W}hile piceatannol tended to improve lipid handling, it did not mitigate hyperinsulinemia and cardiac hypertrophy. {H}owever, it increased cardiac expression of ephrin-{B}1, a membrane protein that contributes to maintaining cardiomyocyte architecture. {L}astly, ascorbyl radical plasma levels and hydrogen peroxide release by adipose tissue were similar in control and treated groups. {T}hus, piceatannol did not exhibit strong slimming capacities but did limit several obesity complications.}, keywords = {{P}iceatannol ; {Z}ucker rat ; {A}dipose tissue ; {L}iver ; {G}ut microbiota ; {A}dipokines ; {C}ardiomyocytes}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{J}ournal of {P}hysiology and {B}iochemistry}, volume = {72}, numero = {3}, pages = {567--582}, ISSN = {1138-7548}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s13105-015-0464-2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067800}, }