@article{fdi:010067789, title = {{S}hedding new light on old algae : matching names and sequences in the brown algal genus {L}obophora ({D}ictyotales, {P}haeophyceae)}, author = {{V}ieira, {C}. and {C}amacho, {O}. and {W}ynne, {M}. {J}. and {M}attio, {L}. and {A}nderson, {R}. {J}. and {B}olton, {J}. {J}. and {S}anson, {M}. and {D}'{H}ondt, {S}. and {L}eliaert, {F}. and {F}redericq, {S}. and {P}ayri, {C}laude and {D}e {C}lerck, {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he existence of massive cryptic diversity in algae makes linking {DNA}-based lineages to existing taxa exceedingly difficult. {A} better integration of historical collections into modern taxonomic research is therefore highly desirable. {U}sing the brown, algal genus {L}obophora as a test case, we explore the feasibility of linking taxonomic names to clades in modern phylogenies. {D}espite {L}obophora being a pantropical genus with probably more than 100 species, traditionally only a handful of species have been recognized. {I}n this study we reevaluated the identity of 17 historical taxa thought to belong to {L}obophora by attempting {DNA} amplification of herbarium material as well as specimens recently collected from the type localities (epitypes). {I}n an attempt to assign them to {M}olecular {O}perational {T}axonomic {U}nits, the obtained sequences were integrated in a global {L}obophora phylogeny based upon data derived from more than 650 specimens. {O}ur results indicate that although five sequences were obtained from type specimens, exclusive reliance on information preserved in type specimens is problematic. {E}pitype material proved a more successful way forward, but this route often comes with a considerable degree of uncertainty, especially in tropical regions where the extent of sympatry among {L}obophora lineages is often considerable. {M}ore problematic from a broader perspective is the fact that for 35% of historical taxa, either the type could not be traced or permission was not granted to extract {DNA} from the types. {S}uch a low accessibility rate may reduce our reliance on type material and jeopardize future efforts to integrate historical taxa into a framework of a modern {DNA}-based taxonomy.}, keywords = {{A}glaozonia ; {D}ictyota ; {DNA} ; herbarium ; {L}obophora ; {P}ocockiella ; {R}alfsia ; {S}typopodium ; type material ; types ; {Z}onaria}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{T}axon}, volume = {65}, numero = {4}, pages = {689--707}, ISSN = {0040-0262}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.12705/654.1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067789}, }