@article{fdi:010067764, title = {{D}irect and indirect effects of glaciers on aquatic biodiversity in high {A}ndean peatlands}, author = {{Q}uenta, {E}. and {M}olina-{R}odriguez, {J}. and {G}onzales, {K}. and {R}ebaudo, {F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {C}asas, {J}. and {J}acobsen, {D}. and {D}angles, {O}livier}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{T}he rapid melting of glacier cover is one of the most obvious impacts of climate change on alpine ecosystems and biodiversity. {O}ur understanding of the impact of a decrease in glacier runoff on aquatic biodiversity is currently based on the glacier-heterogeneity-diversity' paradigm, according to which there is high -diversity at intermediate levels of glacial influence due to the high degree of environmental heterogeneity caused by glacier water. {T}his -diversity pattern generates high levels of between-site aquatic community variation (high diversity) and increases regional diversity (-diversity). {T}here is a rich conceptual background in favor of this paradigm, but empirical data supporting it are scarce. {W}e investigated this paradigm by analyzing the different diversity patterns (, and -diversity) of four aquatic groups (zooplankton, macroinvertebrates, algae and macrophytes) living in high-elevation peatlands (>4500m above sea level). {W}e sampled 200 pools from 20 peatlands along a glacier gradient in the {C}ordillera {R}eal of {B}olivia. {W}e performed structural equationmodeling ({SEM}) to analyze the potential mechanisms underlying the observed diversity patterns. {I}ntermediate levels of glacial influence (15-20% cover) resulted in high heterogeneity, but -diversity responded to glacial influence only for the zooplankton group ({C}ladocera). {O}ur {SEM} analysis did not identify environmental heterogeneity as a significant variable explaining the relationship between glacier and -diversity. {P}eatland area had a strong positive effect on heterogeneity and diversity. -diversity was significantly associated with glacier gradient, and 12.9% of the total regional diversity (-diversity) was restricted to peatlands with a high degree of glacial influence. {T}hese species might be lost in a context of glacial retreat. {T}hese findings provide new insight into the potential effects of glacial retreat on the aquatic environment and biodiversity in the peatlands of the tropical {A}ndes.}, keywords = {aquatic biodiversity ; environmental heterogeneity ; glacial influence ; high {A}ndean peatlands ; peatland area ; tropical {A}ndes ; {BOLIVIE} ; {ANDES} ; {ZONE} {TROPICALE} ; {CORDILLERA} {REAL}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{G}lobal {C}hange {B}iology}, volume = {22}, numero = {9}, pages = {3196--3205}, ISSN = {1354-1013}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1111/gcb.13310}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067764}, }