@article{fdi:010067739, title = {{S}ymbiotic ability of diverse {F}rankia strains on {C}asuarina glauca plants in hydroponic conditions}, author = {{N}gom, {M}. and {D}iagne, {N}. and {L}aplaze, {L}aurent and {C}hampion, {A}ntony and {S}y, {M}. {O}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}rankia is a soil actinomycete that forms nitrogen-fixing root nodule symbioses with eight angiosperms families including {C}asuarinaceae. {K}nowledge on symbiotic performance of several isolated strains with {C}asuarina species is limited. {I}n this study, we characterized a collection of {F}rankia strains based on their growth kinetics and their symbiotic ability with {C}asuarina glauca specie. {R}esults showed that {F}rankia strains {A}llo2, {C}c{I}3, {C}e{D} and {C}g70.9 do not exhibit the same symbiotic ability both for their infectivity and effectiveness towards {C}asuarina glauca. {A}ll strains were able to infect and improve {C}. glauca plants growth. {F}rankia isolate {C}c{I}3 better improved plants height while {C}e{D} and {C}g70.9 strains formed more nodules on inoculated plants roots. {H}owever, there is no correlation between the number of nodules formed and the effectiveness of strains. {T}hese preliminary results give ideas on which {F}rankia strains to use for obtaining an efficient symbiosis with {C}. glauca. {H}owever, others plant species and growth conditions should be tested for a longer period to better optimize the use of {F}rankia in reforestation programs.}, keywords = {{F}rankia ; {C}asuarina glauca ; {I}nfectivity ; {E}ffectiveness ; {R}eforestation ; programs}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{S}ymbiosis}, volume = {70}, numero = {1}, pages = {79--86}, ISSN = {0334-5114}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s13199-015-0366-7}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067739}, }