@article{fdi:010067724, title = {{S}elective organic carbon losses from soils by sheet erosion and main controls}, author = {{M}uller-{N}edebock, {D}. and {C}hivenge, {P}. and {C}haplot, {V}incent}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}lthough the impact of sheet erosion on the selective transportation of mineral soil particles has been widely investigated, little is yet known about the specific mechanisms of organic carbon ({OC}) erosion, which constitutes an important link in the global carbon cycle. {T}he present study was conducted to quantify the impact of sheet erosion on {OC} losses from soils. {E}rosion plots with the lengths of 1- and 5-m were installed at different topographic positions along a hillslope in a mountainous {S}outh {A}frican region. {A} total of 32 rainfall events from a three years period ({N}ovember 2010 up to {F}ebruary 2013), were studied and evaluated for runoff ({R}), particulate and dissolved organic carbon ({POCL} and {DOCL}). {I}n comparison to the 0-005m bulk soil, the sediments from the 1-m plots were enriched in {OC} by a factor 26 and those from the 5-m long plots by a factor of 22, respectively. {T}hese findings suggest a preferential erosion of {OC}. {I}n addition, total organic carbon losses ({TOCL}) were incurred mainly in particulate form (similar to 94%) and the increase in {TOCL} from 1409 +/- 068g {C} m(-1)yr(-1) on 1-m plots to 5003 +/- 289g {C} m(-1)yr(-1) on 5-m plots illustrated an increase in sheet erosion efficiency with increasing slope length. {B}oth {TOCL} and sediment enrichment in {OC} correspondingly increased with a decrease in soil basal grass cover. {T}he characteristics of rainstorms had no significant impact on the selectivity of {OC} erosion. {T}he results accrued in this study investigating the links between sheet erosion and {OC} losses, are expected to be of future value in the generation of carbon specific erosion models, which can further help to inform and improve climate change mitigation measures.}, keywords = {land degradation ; climate ; carbon cycle ; grassland ; {A}frica ; {AFRIQUE} {DU} {SUD}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{E}arth {S}urface {P}rocesses and {L}andforms}, volume = {41}, numero = {10}, pages = {1399--1408}, ISSN = {0197-9337}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1002/esp.3916}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067724}, }