@article{fdi:010067712, title = {{G}iovanni {C}asaretto : a short biography and his botanical collections in {B}razil and {U}ruguay}, author = {{D}elprete, {P}iero}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{G}iovanni {C}asaretto (1810-1879) was appointed by {K}ing {C}harles {A}lbert of {S}avoy-{C}arignano, {K}ingdom of {S}ardinia (now part of {I}taly), as the botanist and mineralogist of a planned circumnavigation of the globe. {T}he royal frigate {L}a {R}egina left {G}enoa on 8 {N}ovember 1838, arrived at the {I}sland of {S}ao {S}ebastiao ({S}tate of {S}ao {P}aulo, {B}razil) in {J}anuary 1839, and then stopped at the {I}sland of {S}anta {C}atarina ({B}razil) and {M}ontevideo ({U}ruguay), where {C}asaretto made considerable collections. {F}rom {M}ontevideo the frigate sailed towards the {M}alvinas/{F}alkland {I}slands, however, due to a terrible sea storm, was badly damaged and returned to {R}io de {J}aneiro for repair. {F}rom the end of {A}pril to {D}ecember 1839 {C}asaretto collected in {R}io de {J}aneiro and surroundings, and also bought about 100 collections made by {R}iedel in the "provinces" (now states) of {R}io de {J}aneiro, {S}ao {P}aulo and {M}inas {G}erais, and about 500 collections made by {C}lausen in {M}inas {G}erais. {D}ue to the precarious conditions, the frigate started her return, with two stops in {S}alvador ({B}ahia) and {R}ecife ({P}ernambuco), where {C}asaretto gathered botanical specimens, arriving at {G}enoa in {M}ay 1840. {H}e organized his herbarium into 162 bundles, with 3,007 collections corresponding to 13,667 specimens from {B}razil and {U}ruguay, and 122 collections corresponding to 477 specimens from {G}ibraltar. {H}e numbered his collections in consecutive numerical order, although with several inconsistencies; therefore, {C}asaretto's numbers are not collection numbers, but are herbarium numbers. {I}n his {D}ecades he described 100 new species from {B}razil (98 spp.) and {U}ruguay (2 spp.). {A}n analysis of the letters that he sent to {G}iuseppe {M}oris showed that the dates written on the first page of each {D}ecas do not correspond to the real publication dates. {C}asaretto's concise biography is presented, the voyage of {L}a {R}egina is described and illustrated, and collection dates, localities, {C}asaretto's herbarium numbers and plant groups are summarized in a table. {S}pecific epithets dedicated to him, and {C}asaretto's unpublished names either published in synonymy under other taxa or validly published by other authors are presented and discussed.}, keywords = {{B}ahia ; {D}ecades ; {G}ibraltar ; historical collections ; {M}inas {G}erais ; {M}ontevideo ; {P}ernambuco ; {R}io de {J}aneiro ; {S}anta {C}atarina ; {S}ao {P}aulo ; {S}avoy-{C}arignano ; {BRESIL} ; {URUGUAY}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}hytotaxa}, volume = {253}, numero = {1}, pages = {27--47}, ISSN = {1179-3155}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.11646/phytotaxa.253.1.2}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067712}, }