@article{fdi:010067683, title = {{C}hecklist of the scale insects ({H}emiptera : {S}ternorrhyncha : {C}occomorpha) of {N}ew {C}aledonia}, author = {{M}ille, {C}. and {H}enderson, {R}. {C}. and {C}azeres, {S}. and {J}ourdan, {H}erv{\'e}}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{W}e provide an up-to-date catalogue of the {C}occomorpha {R}ubsaamen, 1899 of {N}ew {C}aledonia based on studies of collected and curated specimens and on the literature. {O}ne hundred and eighteen species (118) in ten families have been recorded to date, in 70 genera. {F}ive of the genera (7.2%) are endemic, belonging to {A}sterolecaniidae {B}erlese, 1898 ({O}acoccus {W}illiams, 2007), {E}riococcidae {C}ockerell, 1899 ({C}hazeauana {M}atile-{F}errero, 1988, {C}honeochiton {H}odgson, 2014) and {M}onophlebidae {M}askell, 1880 ({I}nsulococcus {B}hatti, 1991, {T}essarobelus {M}ontrouzier, 1864). {T}wenty-nine (29) species are endemic to {N}ew {C}aledonia, giving a rate of endemism of 24.6%. {M}ost of the species are apparently human-assisted introductions. {W}e provide here first records from {N}ew {C}aledonia for ten (10) species: {A}ulacaspis rosarum {B}orchsenius, 1858; {C}hrysomphalus pinnulifer ({M}askell, 1891); {D}iaspis echinocacti ({B}ouche, 1833); {F}iorinia phantasma ({C}ockerell & {R}obinson, 1915); {L}abidaspis myersi {G}reen, 1929; {P}almicultor browni ({W}illiams, 1960); {P}oliaspoides formosana ({T}akahashi, 1930); {P}seudococcus gilbertensis {B}eardsley, 1966; {P}seudococcus orchidicola {T}akahashi, 1939 and {R}hizoecus cacticans ({H}ambleton, 1946). {D}espite two introduction attempts for the biological control of weedy cactus, {H}ypogeococcus festerianus ({L}izer y {T}relles, 1942) is still considered absent from {N}ew {C}aledonia. {L}iterature records of five species are shown to be erroneous: {D}actylopius tomentosus ({L}amarck, 1801); {D}ysmicoccus cocotis ({M}askell, 1890); {L}indingaspis buxtoni ({L}aing, 1927); {N}ipaecoccus filamentosus ({C}ockerell, 1893) and {C}lavaspis herculeana ({C}ockerell & {H}adden, in {D}oane & {H}adden, 1909), which are therefore considered absent from {N}ew {C}aledonia.}, keywords = {{S}cales and mealybugs ; records ; distribution ; hosts ; pest control ; biosecurity ; {NOUVELLE} {CALEDONIE}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{Z}oosystema}, volume = {38}, numero = {2}, pages = {129--176}, ISSN = {1280-9551}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.5252/z2016n2a1}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067683}, }