@article{fdi:010067659, title = {{T}he {H}evea brasiliensis {XIP} aquaporin subfamily : genomic, structural and functional characterizations with relevance to intensive latex harvesting}, author = {{L}opez, {D}. and {B}en {A}mira, {M}. and {B}rown, {D}. and {M}uries, {B}. and {B}runel-{M}ichac, {N}. and {B}ourgerie, {S}. and {P}orcheron, {B}. and {L}emoine, {R}. and {C}hrestin, {H}erv{\'e} and {M}ollison, {E}. and {D}i {C}ola, {A}. and {F}rigerio, {L}. and {J}ulien, {J}. {L}. and {G}ousset-{D}upont, {A}. and {F}umanal, {B}. and {L}abel, {P}. and {P}ujade-{R}enaud, {V}. and {A}uguin, {D}. and {V}enisse, {J}. {S}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{X}-{I}ntrinsic {P}roteins ({XIP}) were recently identified in a narrow range of plants as a full clade within the aquaporins. {T}hese channels reportedly facilitate the transport of a wide range of hydrophobic solutes. {T}he functional roles of {XIP} in planta remain poorly identified. {I}n this study, we found three {XIP} genes ({H}b{XIP}1;1, {H}b{XIP}2;1 and {H}b{XIP}3;1) in the {H}evea brasiliensis genome. {C}omprehensive bioinformatics, biochemical and structural analyses were used to acquire a better understanding of this {AQP} subfamily. {P}hylogenetic analysis revealed that {H}b{XIP}s clustered into two major groups, each distributed in a specific lineage of the order {M}alpighiales. {T}issue-specific expression profiles showed that only {H}b{XIP}2;1 was expressed in all the vegetative tissues tested (leaves, stem, bark, xylem and latex), suggesting that {H}b{XIP}2;1 could take part in a wide range of cellular processes. {T}his is particularly relevant to the rubber-producing laticiferous system, where this isoform was found to be up-regulated during tapping and ethylene treatments. {F}urthermore, the {XIP} transcriptional pattern is significantly correlated to latex production level. {S}tructural comparison with {S}o{PIP}2;1 from {S}pinacia oleracea species provides new insights into the possible role of structural checkpoints by which {H}b{XIP}2;1 ensures glycerol transfer across the membrane. {F}rom these results, we discuss the physiological involvement of glycerol and {H}b{XIP}2;1 in water homeostasis and carbon stream of challenged laticifers. {T}he characterization of {H}b{XIP}2;1 during rubber tree tapping lends new insights into molecular and physiological response processes of laticifer metabolism in the context of latex exploitation.}, keywords = {{XIP} aquaporin ; {H}evea brasiliensis ; {L}atex ; {E}volution ; {G}lycerol ; {C}ell homeostasis}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{P}lant {M}olecular {B}iology}, volume = {91}, numero = {4-5}, pages = {375--396}, ISSN = {0167-4412}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1007/s11103-016-0462-y}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067659}, }