Publications des scientifiques de l'IRD

Adrian-Martiez S., Albert A., Andre M., Anton G., Ardid M., Aubert J. J., Avgitas T., Baret B., Barrios-Marti J., Basa S., Bertin V., Biagi S., Bormuth R., Bou-Cabo M., Bouwhuis M. C., Bruijn R., Brunner J., Busto J., Capone A., Caramete L., Carr J., Celli S., Chiarusi T., Circella M., Coleiro A., Coniglione R., Costantini H., Coyle P., Creusot A., Deschamps A., De Bonis G., Distefano C., Donzaud C., Dornic D., Drouhin D., Eberl T., El Bojaddaini I., Elsasser D., Enzenhofer A., Fehn K., Felis I., Fusco L. A., Galata S., Gay P., Geisselsoder S., Geyer K., Giordano V., Gleixner A., Glotin H., Gracia-Ruiz R., Graf K., Hallmann S., van Haren H., Heijboer A. J., Hello Yann, et al. (2016). A search for secluded dark matter in the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, (5), art. 016 [13 p.]. ISSN 1475-7516.

Titre du document
A search for secluded dark matter in the Sun with the ANTARES neutrino telescope
Année de publication
Type de document
Article référencé dans le Web of Science WOS:000378041500017
Adrian-Martiez S., Albert A., Andre M., Anton G., Ardid M., Aubert J. J., Avgitas T., Baret B., Barrios-Marti J., Basa S., Bertin V., Biagi S., Bormuth R., Bou-Cabo M., Bouwhuis M. C., Bruijn R., Brunner J., Busto J., Capone A., Caramete L., Carr J., Celli S., Chiarusi T., Circella M., Coleiro A., Coniglione R., Costantini H., Coyle P., Creusot A., Deschamps A., De Bonis G., Distefano C., Donzaud C., Dornic D., Drouhin D., Eberl T., El Bojaddaini I., Elsasser D., Enzenhofer A., Fehn K., Felis I., Fusco L. A., Galata S., Gay P., Geisselsoder S., Geyer K., Giordano V., Gleixner A., Glotin H., Gracia-Ruiz R., Graf K., Hallmann S., van Haren H., Heijboer A. J., Hello Yann, et al.
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2016, (5), art. 016 [13 p.] ISSN 1475-7516
A search for Secluded Dark Matter annihilation in the Sun using 2007-2012 data of the ANTARES neutrino telescope is presented. Three different cases are considered: a) detection of dimuons that result from the decay of the mediator, or neutrino detection from: b) mediator that decays into a dimuon and, in turn, into neutrinos, and c) mediator that decays directly into neutrinos. As no significant excess over background is observed, constraints are derived on the dark matter mass and the lifetime of the mediator.
Plan de classement
Sciences de la Terre : généralités [060]
Description Géographique
Fonds IRD [F B010067603]
Identifiant IRD