@book{fdi:010067570, title = {{E}xodus ! : heirs and pioneers, {R}astafari return to {E}thiopia}, author = {{B}onacci, {G}iulia and {M}'{B}okolo, {E}. and {T}idjani {A}lou, {A}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n 1977, {B}ob {M}arley composed {E}xodus, a reggae masterpiece that evokes the return of {R}astafari to {A}frica. {O}ver the past fifty years, {R}astafari have made the journey to {E}thiopia, settling in the country as "repatriates". {T}his little-known history is told in {E}xodus! {H}eirs and {P}ioneers, {R}astafari {R}eturn to {E}thiopia. {G}iulia {B}onacci recounts, with sharpness and rigour, this amazing journey of {R}astafari who left the {C}aribbean, the {U}nited {S}tates and the {U}nited {K}ingdom. {E}xiting from the {B}abylon of the {W}est and entering the {Z}ion that is {E}thiopia, the exodus has a pan-{A}frican dimension that is significant to the present day. {D}espite facing complex challenges in their relations with the {E}thiopian state and its people, mystical and determined {R}astafari keep arriving to {S}hashemene, their {P}romised {L}and. {R}evealing personal trajectories, {G}iulia {B}onacci shows that {R}astafari were not the first black settlers in {E}thiopia. {S}he tracks the history of return over the decades, demonstrating that the utopian idea of return is also a reality. {E}xodus! is based on in-depth archival and print research, as well as on a wide range of oral histories collected in {E}thiopia, {J}amaica, {G}hana and the {U}nited {S}tates. {O}riginally published in {F}rench in 2010 by {E}ditions {L}'{H}armattan, this translation is the first time {B}onacci's valuable work has been made widely available to an {E}nglish-speaking audience.}, keywords = {{MIGRATION} {INTERNATIONALE} ; {DIASPORA} ; {ETHNIE} ; {ANTHROPOLOGIE} {SOCIALE} ; {NATIONALISME} ; {IDEOLOGIE} ; {RELIGION} ; {ACCES} {A} {LA} {TERRE} ; {POLITIQUE} {FONCIERE} ; {IDENTITE} {CULTURELLE} ; {MIGRATION} {DE} {RETOUR} ; {EXODE} ; {PANAFRICANISME} ; {ETHIOPIE} ; {JAMAIQUE} ; {CARAIBE} ; {ROYAUME} {UNI} ; {SHASEMENE}}, address = {{K}ingston}, publisher = {{UWI} {P}ress}, series = {}, pages = {482}, year = {2015}, ISBN = {9789766405038}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067570}, }