@article{fdi:010067535, title = {{A} gene-based map of the {N}od factor-independent {A}eschynomene evenia sheds new light on the evolution of nodulation and legume genomes}, author = {{C}haintreuil, {C}l{\'e}mence and {R}ivallan, {R}. and {B}ertioli, {D}.{J}. and {K}lopp, {C}. and {G}ouzy, {J}. and {C}ourtois, {B}. and {L}eleux, {P}. and {M}artin, {G}. and {R}ami, {J}.{F}. and {G}ully, {D}jamel and {P}arrinello, {H}. and {S}{\'e}verac, {D}. and {P}atrel, {D}elphine and {F}ardoux, {J}o{\¨e}l and {R}ibi{\`e}re, {W}illiam and {B}oursot, {M}arc and {C}artieaux, {F}abienne and {C}zernic, {P}. and {R}atet, {P}. and {M}ournet, {P}. and {G}iraud, {E}ric and {A}rrighi, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A}eschynomene evenia has emerged as a new model legume for the deciphering of the molecular mechanisms of an alternative symbiotic process that is independent of the {N}od factors. {W}hereas most of the research on nitrogen-fixing symbiosis, legume genetics and genomics has so far focused on {G}alegoid and {P}haseolid legumes, {A}. evenia falls in the more basal and understudied {D}albergioid clade along with peanut ({A}rachis hypogaea). {T}o provide insights into the symbiotic genes content and the structure of the {A}. evenia genome, we established a gene-based genetic map for this species. {F}irstly, an {RNA}seq analysis was performed on the two parental lines selected to generate a {F}2 mapping population. {T}he transcriptomic data were used to develop molecular markers and they allowed the identification of most symbiotic genes. {T}he resulting map comprised 364 markers arranged in 10 linkage groups (2n = 20). {A} comparative analysis with the sequenced genomes of {A}rachis duranensis and {A}. ipaensis, the diploid ancestors of peanut, indicated blocks of conserved macrosynteny. {A}ltogether, these results provided important clues regarding the evolution of symbiotic genes in a {N}od factor-independent context. {T}hey provide a basis for a genome sequencing project and pave the way for forward genetic analysis of symbiosis in {A}. evenia.}, keywords = {}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{DNA} {R}esearch}, volume = {23}, numero = {4}, pages = {365--376 [en ligne]}, ISSN = {1756-1663}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1093/dnares/dsw020}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067535}, }