@article{fdi:010067533, title = {{I}nsight into the diversity of parasites of {C}yprinodontiformes ({P}isces, {T}eleostei) from forest streams of {S}outh {C}ameroon, {C}entral {A}frica, and their potential impact}, author = {{M}essu {M}andeng, {F}.{D}. and {A}gn{\`e}se, {J}ean-{F}ran{\c{c}}ois and {M}orand, {S}. and {B}ilong {B}ilong, {C}.{F}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n order to describe the parasite fauna of the {C}yprinodontiform fishes from streams located in the forest zone of the central and south plateau and the littoral plain of {C}ameroon and to evaluate their potential impact on their hosts by analyzing community structures, the gastrointestinal tracts and the gills of 1019 specimens of 14 {C}yprinodontiform fish species belonging to the genera {A}phyosemion {M}yers, 1924 and {E}piplatys {G}ill, 1862 were dissected and screened for the presence of parasites. {O}nly 149 fish specimens were found to be infected by at least one of the parasite taxa recovered. {O}n the whole, parasitic infections in cyprinodonts, perceived on the basis of prevalence and mean abundance indices, appeared to be very low, although the parasitic fauna of some host species as {A}. cameronense was diversified (up to seven species). {A}phyosemion cf cameronense, {A}. koungueense and {A}phyosemion sp. showed low abundances and appeared free of ecto- and endoparasites. {A}s micropredators, cyprinodonts acquire these endoparasites through a variety of invertebrate preys and concentrate some infective parasite stages (such as metacercariae) of several definitive hosts that prey on them. {T}his work showed that although nematodes and trematodes, which can develop high intensities or abundances in some fish specimens, might impact their hosts (especially females) and influence their population dynamics, parasitism in general seems not to regulate the communities of the cyprinodont fish species.}, keywords = {{CAMEROUN}}, booktitle = {}, journal = {{I}nternational {J}ournal of {R}esearch in {B}io{S}ciences}, volume = {3}, numero = {10}, pages = {98--107}, ISSN = {{ISSN} 2319–2844}, year = {2015}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067533}, }