@inproceedings{fdi:010067431, title = {{R}eview of the size-frequency data collected from {S}eychelles industrial longliners during 2007-2015}, author = {{C}hassot, {E}mmanuel and {L}ucas, {J}. and {A}ssan, {C}. and {L}ucas, {V}. and {I}saac, {P}. and {G}eehan, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{A} large set of size data for yellowfin and bigeye tunas has been collected aboard {S}eychelles industrial longliners since 2007 and carefully checked and managed by the {S}eychelles {F}ishing {A}uthority. {A}nalysis of the data at the scale of the fishing operation shows that size frequency data collected at sea by fishermen are consistent with logbook information in several vessels while some data appear to be spurious. {W}e also show that changes in spatial distribution of the longline fleet in relation with piracy threat might explain some changes in average weight in the catch observed in the early 2010s within the large areas used for assessing the status of the stocks. {F}uture work will aim (i) to improve data collection from the identification of vessels that appear to report size data of poor quality and (ii) to select the good size data sets to be used in the future assessments of {I}ndian {O}cean yellowfin and bigeye tuna. {T}he availability of operational data is key to determine the causes of discrepancy between data sources of tuna size and eventually improve the overall quality of management advice.}, keywords = {{NAVIRE} {DE} {PECHE} ; {PECHE} {THONIERE} ; {COLLECTE} {DE} {DONNEES} ; {ANALYSE} {DE} {DONNEES} ; {ESTIMATION} {DE} {STOCK} ; {STRUCTURE} {DE} {POPULATION} ; {OCEAN} {INDIEN} ; {SEYCHELLES}}, numero = {{IOTC}-2016-{WPDCS}12-17-{R}ev1}, pages = {17 multigr.}, booktitle = {}, year = {2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067431}, }