@article{fdi:010067325, title = {{D}eglaciation chronology in the {M}{\'e}rida {A}ndes from cosmogenic 10{B}e dating, ({G}avidia valley, {V}enezuela)}, author = {{A}ngel, {I}. and {A}udemard {M}., {F}.{A}. and {C}arcaillet, {J}. and {A}udin, {L}aurence}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{I}n the {M}{\'e}rida {A}ndes, a detailed deglaciation history reconstruction is difficult to achieve due to scattered deglaciation chronologies available. {T}his paper contributes with 24 exposure ages of glacial landforms sampled in the {G}avidia valley. {E}xposure ages were obtained based on terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide 10{B}e dating. {R}esults indicate deglaciation mainly occurred between {I}n the {M}{\'e}rida {A}ndes, a detailed deglaciation history reconstruction is difficult to achieve due to scattered deglaciation chronologies available. {T}his paper contributes with 24 exposure ages of glacial landforms sampled in the {G}avidia valley. {E}xposure ages were obtained based on terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide 10{B}e dating. {R}esults indicate deglaciation mainly occurred between ~21 ka and 16.5 ka and the complete deglaciation occurred at ∼16.0 ka. {T}he glacier retreated in two different phases. {T}he oldest one occurred since the {LGM} until middle {O}t{D} or the local climate event {E}l {C}aballo {S}tadial. {T}he youngest phase occurred at ages younger than ~16.5 ka until complete deglaciation. {A} combination of topographic features and changes in the paleoclimate conditions at the end of the {E}l {C}aballo {S}tadial seems leaded the fastest former glacier extinction. {T}he topographic feature which seems contributed to the fastest glacier extinction was the low valley bottom slopes. {I}n addition, exposure ages of the {G}avidia valley were integrated with deglaciation chronologies from the central {M}{\'e}rida {A}ndes to compare deglaciation histories. {A}synchronous deglaciation histories were observed. {L}ocal paleotemperatures and paleoprecipitations contrasts, different valleys aspects, insolation and catchments steepness could explain different deglaciation histories ~21 ka and 16.5 ka and the complete deglaciation occurred at ~16.0 ka. {T}he glacier retreated in two different phases. {T}he oldest one occurred since the {LGM} until middle {O}t{D} or the local climate event {E}l {C}aballo {S}tadial. {T}he youngest phase occurred at ages younger than ~16.5 ka until complete deglaciation. {A} combination of topographic features and changes in the paleoclimate conditions at the end of the {E}l {C}aballo {S}tadial seems leaded the fastest former glacier extinction. {T}he topographic feature which seems contributed to the fastest glacier extinction was the low valley bottom slopes. {I}n addition, exposure ages of the {G}avidia valley were integrated with deglaciation chronologies from the central {M}{\'e}rida {A}ndes to compare deglaciation histories. {A}synchronous deglaciation histories were observed. {L}ocal paleotemperatures and paleoprecipitations contrasts, different valleys aspects, insolation and catchments steepness could explain different deglaciation histories.}, keywords = {{VENEZUELA} ; {ANDES} ; {MERIDA} {VENEZUELA}}, booktitle = {{R}egional moment tensors and stress field in {S}outh and {C}entral {A}merica}, journal = {{J}ournal of {S}outh {A}merican {E}arth {S}ciences}, volume = {71 (no sp{\'e}cial)}, numero = {}, pages = {235--247}, ISSN = {0895-9811}, year = {2016}, DOI = {10.1016/j.jsames.2016.08.001}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067325}, }