@incollection{fdi:010067303, title = {{C}omplejo cer{\`a}mico : {M}ayo {C}hinchipe}, author = {{V}aldez, {F}rancisco}, editor = {}, language = {{POR}}, abstract = {{T}he {M}ayo {C}hinchipe ceramic assemblage found in the upper {A}mazon of {E}cuador and {P}eru is one of the first pottery manifestations of the {F}ormative period in this part of {A}merica (5300/2300 {BP}). {I}ts stylistic, technological and symbolic characteristics reflect a heterarchic society with a high degree of cohesion, which expanded over a vast territory that included different ecological niches (altitude tropical humid forest to low montane dry forest). {T}he regional interactions that have been witnessed include the {P}acific coast, the {A}ndean cordillera (over 3000 m asl) and the low piedmont of western {A}mazonia (400 m asl). {T}he pottery has thin walled wares, with well-finished surfaces that coexisted with coarser utilitarian wares. {I}n the beginning of the sequence the wares are monochrome, but in time mineral pigments have been used to paint and highlight certain zones in red, cream or white colors. {T}he plastic decoration techniques include incised, excised and printed motived as well as a moderate use of appliques. {T}he forms include open vessels (low and high bowls) and closed vessels (ollas: pots with or without necks, jars and bottles). {O}utstanding forms are effigy bottles and the fist stirrup-spout vessels of the {A}merican continent.}, keywords = {{SITE} {ARCHEOLOGIQUE} ; {CERAMIQUE} ; {ANTHROPOLOGIE} {CULTURELLE} ; {HISTOIRE} {STYLISTIQUE} ; {EQUATEUR} ; {PEROU} ; {AMAZONIE}}, booktitle = {{C}erâmicas arqueológicas da {A}maz{\^o}nia : rumo a uma nova síntese}, numero = {}, pages = {510--525}, address = {{B}elem}, publisher = {{IPHAN}}, series = {}, year = {2016}, ISBN = {978-85-613-7783-0}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067303}, }