@inproceedings{fdi:010067222, title = {{E}arthquake fault segmentation in the central {A}ndes, {E}cuador}, author = {{B}aize, {S}. and {A}udin, {L}aurence and {A}lvarado, {A}. and {J}omard, {H}. and {C}hampenois, {J}.}, editor = {}, language = {{ENG}}, abstract = {{F}ield investigations have been carried out along the fault system that accommodates the relative motion between the {N}orth {A}ndean {S}liver and the {S}outh {A}merican {P}late in {E}cuador. {T}he project aims at mapping the segmentation of this major active fault system. {A} series of fault strands newly mapped in direct continuation to the {P}allatanga {F}ault ({PF}) to the north allow the definition of a large structure capable of triggering large events. {T}his is confirmed by the presence of historical well-preserved scarps and decametric offsets (probably due to the 1797 {M}7.5 {R}iobamba event) disrupting the {I}gualata volcano. {W}e could not find evidence for any structural continuity between the {PF} and the fault mapped in the {H}uisla volcano to the {NE}. {W}e suggest that a 5-10 km wide step over separates the two segments and probably blocked the 1797 rupture. {A} recent surface rupture has also been recently discovered during the {M}5 {P}isayambo quake along the {C}osanga {F}ault ({CF}) system, with uncommon surface rupture length and displacement. {F}rom the few unearthed evidences, we estimate at a first glance that the mean slip rate along the {PF} and {CF} is similar (≈1 mm/yr).}, keywords = {{EQUATEUR} ; {ANDES}}, numero = {}, pages = {4}, booktitle = {7th {I}nternational {INQUA} meeting on {P}aleoseismology, {A}ctive {T}ectonics and {A}rcheoseismology ({PATA})}, year = {2016}, URL = {https://www.documentation.ird.fr/hor/fdi:010067222}, }